Well-Known Member
I have always had great luck shooting behind the shoulder shots. Longest one on an elk was "only" 425. this years Bulls were at 335 and 330. 335 bull was hit hard quartering away and bullet exited with a fist sized hole just in front of the offside shoulder. He was doing the "dead bull wobble" and I dropped him with an insurance shot. Bull 2 was moving and my shot hit about diaphragm and I never did see an exit (it was getting dark and weather was coming in so the investigation was cut short). Bull2 went 30 yards and piled up. He needed a finish shot but wasn't going anywhere. Shooting a .340 wby and 250SMKs. My cousin had a bad experience shooting a shoulder with 180 partition in a 300 win mag. Bullets just kinda splatted his shoulder on 2 shots. Bull stood there while my uncle finished him off. It ruined almost the whole front quarter. Behind the shoulder with"enough gun" gets my vote.