I'll admit I have zero experience with any short mag, and very little with short action cartridges in general. Maybe if I tried them I'd see the light and never look back haha but I for one love my long and magnum length action cartridges.
I do see the merit in short barrel performance in a light handy rifle tho, the newer 6.8 western especially is honestly is the most appealing of the short mags to me were I do desire one, the original .300 and .270 wsm cartridges are certainly worth being here as well.
But one thing I never quite understood is what on earth people really notice regarding bolt throw length on a .308 vs a .30-06. I know the .308 is a bit shorter…I don't think it matters and I don't notice it in the field or at the bench enough either way to desire the short action for that reason, it's not a very good reason as far as im concerned.
The other thing I dont get is the purported weight savings IF you're comparing short mags to 06-length standard cartridges. Yes the action/receiver is shorter but it needs to be fatter/beefier too! If the stock and barrel weight are equal, would a .300 wsm rifle really be any lighter than a .30-06 rifle with its 1/2" shorter action? I doubt it. Now it would outperform it a bit, which is fully acknowledged and fine, performance is great, I've heard short fat cartridges are more inherently accurate and efficient, no argument here, I just don't buy the marketing side of things that makes it seem like the difference in bolt throw and rifle weight are what make short action magnums appealing. I certainly don't notice it in the real world and couldn't care less either way.
I'm trapped in the past I suppose though, somehow all 4 of my magnums are not only long or magnum length actions, but they're BELTED too
At present the magnums are .257 weatherby, 300 win mag, .358 Norma mag, and .450 ackley. Still have my .270. Used to have a .308 and a .223, sold them, don't miss them, they didn't do anything for me. Also had a 8x57, a "medium" action haha that was nonetheless no shorter than a .30-06 action, sold that, don't miss it either.
The only short action rifle I have right now is a .243 win in a savage 99 that is a family heirloom and I honestly don't shoot it much at all, some years never. I guess I just don't like the shorties.