"Short Range" handgun scope?

Yes. Took it out coyote hunting but never had an opportunity to pull the trigger. I take it to the range with me at least 2 times a month and shoot 5-6 rounds through it just to become more comfortable with the recoil. One thing I have learned is that a rock steady rest is very important. I plan on taking the Encore deer hunting in Texas after the holidays. Should not be a problem getting an opportunity for a deer or hog, maybe both. Using the BDC reticles and variable magnification settings makes this handgun scope combination quite versatile.
I have shot deer and hogs with my Ruger Super Redhawk 44 mag. that I scoped over 10 years ago with a Nikon fixed 2 power scope. That revolver shoots into a 4 in. circle at 100 yards almost every time.
Good for you. It is always good to know another handgun hunter.
I don't have any TC products anymore, but shoot a lot of single-shot specialty pistols. Hunt some with a revolver, but primarily with SP's.
Hunting with different guns is always fun. I harvested my first deer with a slug gun last week too. That was a serious rush. 96 yards! A year ago I never would have considered such a shot but with T/C's Slug gun rifled shotgun barrel, Nikon's SlugHunter scope and Winchesters very accurate ammo I felt very comfortable taking the broadside shot. What a wallop this packs too. By the time I got back on the deer it was a done deal. Next stop, Blackpowder!
+1 for the Burris.

I have trashed several scopes and ended up placing a Burris on my 444 contender with 4
rings to hold it on and have never looked back.

Now all of my hard kicking pistols have Burris scopes on them.

The 444 contender would blow a scope in less than 10 shots (58 ft/lbs of recoil) and rings
would some times break in less than 10 shots.

I like the straight 4 power or the 2.5x7 variable .

I am a Leupold fan but on pistols I use the Burris scope because they are one tough scope.


hardest thing I ever had under a scope was a .357 Herrett. That thing ate scopes faster than Leupold could build them! My .445 is also not easy on them
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