Savage 338 Edge, wow! does it shoot!

From Sharp Shooter Supply - The Savage Specialists Tech Updates at the bottom of the Home Page on the left.

"Barrel Shanks

In 2002 Savage offered rifles in the Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) and Remington Ultra Magnum (RUM) calibers. When these were finally in the catalog, there was a change made to the barrel shank diameter. Standard barrel shank diameter on standard calibers are 1.055" x 20tpi. On the new WSM, RUM, and SAUM calibers it is 1.120" x 20tpi. The barrel nut is also bigger in internal size, but is the same outer diameter and our barrel nut wrench will still fit. Savage also used this size of shank on the first version of the Model 10ML muzzleloader.

However, there were a few WSM and RUM rifles made on the standard barrel shank in the first production run. The best way to tell is to measure the barrel shank right against the nut. The larger barrel shank will have a step down approximately 1/8" ahead of the barrel nut. If your rifle has a serial number with a "G" prefix, it is most probable it will have the larger shank."

Info and picture taken directly from the site listed above.


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Thank you, that makes a lot of sense! is where I am confused. McGowen says that their 7mm rem mag and 300 win mag have the large shank and that the 338 edge has the small shank size for the savage rifles...Savage Pre-Fit Barrels
Thank you, that makes a lot of sense! is where I am confused. McGowen says that their 7mm rem mag and 300 win mag have the large shank and that the 338 edge has the small shank size for the savage rifles...Savage Pre-Fit Barrels

That's just what they have in stock. I suspect they are going to have them for quite a while since there are very few long action large shank actions floating around.

The vast majority of Savage long actions are small shank. They did have a few year run of long action large shank actions chambered in the RUM calibers, but they are not very common anymore. Even fewer would take their RUM barrel off just to screw a 300 or 7mm mag onto the action.

I've built several WSM's and Edges on small shanks with absolutely no problems. You don't need a large shank for anything RUM sized or smaller.
I've built a couple Savage 338 Edge's since the last posts.

On the one I kept, I went against the grain with barrel break-in. I put a patch through it to make sure it was clean. Then I've just been shooting it.

I did all my load development with a dirty barrel.

Got about 50 rounds through it so far and it shoots great. When the groups open up I'll think about cleaning it.
I have had a couple Krieger and have done the same. cut rifled tubes dont need much break in time.
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