Savage 338 Edge, wow! does it shoot!

I'm new here, what case is the 338 edge built off of? I have a Rem 700 action 30-06 bolt face, It would not work then on this case?? sorry if these are dumb questions.
I'm new here, what case is the 338 edge built off of? I have a Rem 700 action 30-06 bolt face, It would not work then on this case?? sorry if these are dumb questions.

First welcome aboard there is a lot of great info on here.

The edge is based off of the 300 rum (Remington ultra mag) it's what Remington should have built. the only thing that is done to the case is the neck is stretched out to a 338. Most people including my self are shooting the 300gr smk out of it at about 2850- 2900.

but for the full history go to this link you will find out every thing about the edge there, as Shawn is the guy that built it first
..::Defensive Edge - Custom Gunsmithing::..
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AJ I did not think a Savage could look that good. It seemed like you just picked a load and went out and shot those groups. I wanted to ask, did you get those groups with the first load you tried? Or did you work up loads to get those results.

Yep, I just used the standard load that Shawn recommends and it shot THAT GOOD! With the cost of components, I don't think I'll look any further.

I know this has been idle for some time but I have a quick question. I build a similar rifle with the PacNor barrel and was wondering what you did for barrel break in? I'm about to send my first rounds down the tube. Thanks for the inspiration on the build.

I've built a couple Savage 338 Edge's since the last posts.

On the one I kept, I went against the grain with barrel break-in. I put a patch through it to make sure it was clean. Then I've just been shooting it.

I did all my load development with a dirty barrel.

Got about 50 rounds through it so far and it shoots great. When the groups open up I'll think about cleaning it.
I finally got all my parts together and slapped it together last night. I went out and did a little barrel brake in this afternoon (11 shots) and I'm more than pleased.

The rifle consists of a Short Action / Large shank Savage Action with Accutrigger.
28" Pac-Nor chambered Super Match SS barrel
SSS machined recoil lug and barrel nut
Defensive Edge 1" 4 port brake.
Joel Russo A5 Laminate stock
Nightforce 3.5x15x50 NXS with NP-R1 reticle
DedNutz one piece scope base/rings.


I shot one group at the end of my session. It measured .362 center to center! The load is the standard 92gr H-1000, CCI 250, 300gr SMK loaded about .010" off lands. Averaged right at 2750 with my CED and Infra red screens. I could shoot this rifle all day, it has very very gentle recoil!


I am very pleased to say the least!


Nice gun.
So if i'm reading this right, Pac-nor chambered the barrel? just wondering how they were to work with? Is it throated for 300's specifically?
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