Savage 338 Edge, wow! does it shoot!

AJ, might be a dumb ?? but how were you able to have kirby put the brake on the barrel and have it be timed right without it in the action?

Actually, it's a good question. I received the barrel and installed it, headspaced etc. I marked it with a sharpie marker and sent it to Shawn, he installed the brake according to my mark. It is almost perfectly aligned, close enough you'd never see it in a picture.

Beautiful gun AJ. The fellas on here are definitely a great resource. One of these days I need to have Joel build a stock for me too.
Thanks guys,

Last night I decided to really clean the barrel down to bare metal, so I removed the carbon with Butches bore shine, then used wipeout until it was spotless, ran an oil patch and then a dry patch.

I went out today to do some testing and decided I'd shoot a group with the first 3 rounds, just to see how it behaved after a good cleaning. Just for reference, I had 1/4 down and 1/4 left in the scope compared to the other group. The first 3 shots went .196" Center to Center. The diamond bullseye is 1/2" on a side.

I did a brass life test over the next couple hours that I will post on a thread of it's own.


If I keep working on it, this gun might eventually be a shooter! :D

AJ is that a 3 grove barrel? i just ordered a 31" pac nor 3 grove for a edge on a savage action. What is the oal on your round and did you send them a dumby round
this post helped answer some ?? i had on it thanks. That is a great looking /shooting rifle you should enjoy it. grear job
AJ is that a 3 grove barrel? i just ordered a 31" pac nor 3 grove for a edge on a savage action. What is the oal on your round and did you send them a dumby round
this post helped answer some ?? i had on it thanks. That is a great looking /shooting rifle you should enjoy it. grear job

It's a 5 groove 10" twist super match SS barrel.

OAL is 3.820" and no I didn't send a dummy round.

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.


You'll never hit it if I'm the one holding it... :( You know what I mean?

ge( It's a shooter, I'm drooling.

AJ I did not think a Savage could look that good. It seemed like you just picked a load and went out and shot those groups. I wanted to ask, did you get those groups with the first load you tried? Or did you work up loads to get those results.
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