I got schooled yesterday on annealing,,, like I mentioned in my above post,,, Yes and No...
But after visiting with my lead in the shooting sports world,,, he handed me my @zz back to me on a different way of looking at things. Ha...
What I didn't know then I sure know now,,, so my apologies to """All""" for my ignorance of not truely under standing what's going on,,, of course this is to be expected when I have my blinders on and my learning curve pumpkin switch turned off...
So what did my lead show me that is now sway-ing my train of thought towards the yes side apposed to the no...
Its was actually getting my hands on all the tools in his control centre """laboratory""" to show me what's going on,,, not in stone since there are thousands of ways to skin a €@+,,, no disrespect to €@+'s...
The tool we used was some 3 Shot new cases,,, a 2 torch burner, Tranquil,,, and a few casing prep presses along with a Arbour Press with a hydrolic indicator press the can be set to record neck tension...
Old school gets new schooled on what's going on using the KISS idea since its the easy way to kind of know what's going on...
Does annealing work,,, my new train of thought is yes,,, so long as its done correctly with what we work with...
That's not saying that my old school idea wasn't working,,, but like my lead said,,, how do I know if my neck tension is correct for each chunk of brass ???
This I don't since I've never worried about it...
Now I find out after 40 + years I let this idea pass me by,,, my bad for not adding this into the equation of """consistant""" ammo reloading since its easy and simple as it removes any dought of neck tension being an issue,,, more of the removing 1 less factor of 100's if not 1000's that """could""" cause issues of un-knowns...
Kind of like removing this issue out of the mix so us humans can concentrate on other things that need addressing...
I'll be dammed,,, Yuppers,,, I've been doing my thing for all these years by seeing what I only see,,, yet I failed to pick up on the key idea...
The word my lead uses is called, """RUN-OUT.""" this does not apply to neck tension or shoulder bump alone,,, RUN-OUT to him means everything...
Is ALL the equipment we use working with in the RUN-OUT specs,,, Press,,, Dies,,, Case Prep Tools,,, Seater,,, Powder Pour,,, The Brass,,, our Measuring Tools,,, and Our Selves to stay on top of this alooooong the way...
Dang,,, school was hard for me,,, getting schooled is even harder...
So my blinders are off I guess,,, The new idea of what areas need addressing are now in motion,,, and yes,,, my old school idea works,,, but it dosen't prove that it's consistant across the board eveytime / all the time...
Simple close range stuff can be just that,,, but where this RUN-OUT idea starts to take over is when distance becomes a factor...
Consistency is King,,, staying on top of it is Key,,, and learning how to measure it with the simple tools we have the best we can...
Yuppers,,, getting schooled on what I didn't know then I sure know now,,, my apologies once again since I missed the band wagon 20 to 40 years ago,,, HA...
Lots of mid priced tools are now getting checked to make sure there are on par,,, these tools will be used to make sure what I'm doing is correct from here on in...
Even the North can learn you know. LOL