Rifle for Older Guy with a Bad Neck....

It seems as though you have decided on the 6.5 CM. Just for grins though, what about the CZ 308 loaded with a 125 Accubond or 130 Barnes? Dropping bullet weight makes a big difference and both bullets should work fine to the 300 yard limit you described.
my .02

I too have neck issues, prone shooting hurts me. i'm 67.

My suggestion is a Browning X-Bolt Micro in 7mm-08, shooting Hornady LITE ammo. The shorter stock keeps from having to "turkey-neck" when shouldering. The LITE ammo is a real killer.

Then I would have a gunsmith add a muzzle brake. Suppressors are a year wait, soon to be outlawed.

This is my daughters exact set up (no brake though) she loves it and it wont break his bank. He should sell a couple boomers and fund the whole project
He could put a .243 Win barrel in his SECOND LMT and be golden!

That's my vote also. I see you said he's probably leaning towards the 6.5C, which would work. He'd be taking on additional recoil for no real-world advantage given the distances you mentioned.
On your dads LMT I have the same gun, and also have neck problems like your dad only I am fussed with plate and wire in my neck. I did purchase the 6.5cm barrel direct from LMT. Then I had Mark Chanlynn make me a 26" 6 creedmoor barrel. On both barrels I use the APA breaks. With Marks barrel it is well under 1/2" moa that these LMT are capable of. If you go with a custom barrel you can op to have a lighter weight barrel profile made. Good luck to your, I hope things go well.
My father is having some neck issues that he's currently working through with his doctors. C3 / 5&6 are being a real pain in the ---. Not unusual for a 69 year old guy. His pain at the moment would certainly prevent him from shooting heavy kick rifles. They're going the steroid shot route for now as they try to figure out a long term solution. As of right now the shooting pains from the nerves, etc. hit frequent enough that shooting wouldn't be much fun. So being that we are inherently stubborn creatures and don't want to miss a hunting season or practice we need to figure out what he'll shoot so long as he gets the ok from the Dr.

So, the question to the group is what would you choose in his situation to shoot for whitetail hunting this season. Elevated box blinds, 300 yards max distance in Virginia

He currently has the following options:
1) LMT .308 ar10 with suppressor - really heavy gun to tote around
2) 300 blackout ar with suppressor - lacks range for most blinds but is the perfect rifle for kick/weight
3) A Bolt 7WSM - could add a break to calm it down in consideration of the neck...it's not a bad kick now
4) Use his CZ 308 with reduced recoil loads
5) Seeing as how we love guns should he buy a 6.5cm or a 7-08 or the like and use the neck as an excuse to buy something new?
6) Put the 7wsm or 308 in a different stock with adjustable comb/lop so he can really dial in his head vs. a stock pad

Fire away.
I have back and neck issues...mostly back though. More than the rifle.. I found that using a stock with an adjustable cheek piece helped enormously. I have one on almost every rifle i own.
My father is having some neck issues that he's currently working through with his doctors. C3 / 5&6 are being a real pain in the ---. Not unusual for a 69 year old guy. His pain at the moment would certainly prevent him from shooting heavy kick rifles. They're going the steroid shot route for now as they try to figure out a long term solution. As of right now the shooting pains from the nerves, etc. hit frequent enough that shooting wouldn't be much fun. So being that we are inherently stubborn creatures and don't want to miss a hunting season or practice we need to figure out what he'll shoot so long as he gets the ok from the Dr.

So, the question to the group is what would you choose in his situation to shoot for whitetail hunting this season. Elevated box blinds, 300 yards max distance in Virginia

He currently has the following options:
1) LMT .308 ar10 with suppressor - really heavy gun to tote around
2) 300 blackout ar with suppressor - lacks range for most blinds but is the perfect rifle for kick/weight
3) A Bolt 7WSM - could add a break to calm it down in consideration of the neck...it's not a bad kick now
4) Use his CZ 308 with reduced recoil loads
5) Seeing as how we love guns should he buy a 6.5cm or a 7-08 or the like and use the neck as an excuse to buy something new?
6) Put the 7wsm or 308 in a different stock with adjustable comb/lop so he can really dial in his head vs. a stock pad

Fire away.
Absolutely 6.5 Creed .. muzzle brake.... Look at Legacy International...Howa heavy barrel...come in several adj stock configs...I have 3 and purchased 5 more ..make that 6 more for friends and family during this past year. RECOIL ZERO...FAMILY 6..and tell your Dad to kick your *** for the old guy comment 69! You will get there sooner than you think! Lol
I would take a look at the Tikka T3x in 308 with a Limbsaver recoil pad. If you want the 6.5 rather than a 308 that also make that. I just got one (308) myself in all stainless steel. With the scope and everything it only weighs 7.3 lbs. I took it out to sight it in and the recoil is not bad at all. It's lite, shoots well and has low recoil.
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