Rifle for Older Guy with a Bad Neck....

My father is having some neck issues that he's currently working through with his doctors. C3 / 5&6 are being a real pain in the ---. Not unusual for a 69 year old guy. His pain at the moment would certainly prevent him from shooting heavy kick rifles. They're going the steroid shot route for now as they try to figure out a long term solution. As of right now the shooting pains from the nerves, etc. hit frequent enough that shooting wouldn't be much fun. So being that we are inherently stubborn creatures and don't want to miss a hunting season or practice we need to figure out what he'll shoot so long as he gets the ok from the Dr.

So, the question to the group is what would you choose in his situation to shoot for whitetail hunting this season. Elevated box blinds, 300 yards max distance in Virginia

He currently has the following options:
1) LMT .308 ar10 with suppressor - really heavy gun to tote around
2) 300 blackout ar with suppressor - lacks range for most blinds but is the perfect rifle for kick/weight
3) A Bolt 7WSM - could add a break to calm it down in consideration of the neck...it's not a bad kick now
4) Use his CZ 308 with reduced recoil loads
5) Seeing as how we love guns should he buy a 6.5cm or a 7-08 or the like and use the neck as an excuse to buy something new?
6) Put the 7wsm or 308 in a different stock with adjustable comb/lop so he can really dial in his head vs. a stock pad

Fire away.
My best solution would be 243 or 22-250. I have taken deer with a 243 105 grain Berger bullet at just over 700 yards. Most of my friend use a 220 swift or a 22-250. If you all ready have an AR-15 in 223 you are set. Hornady has great factory loads that are for deer. Like the 50 gr GMX Full Boar. I've used Superformance 75 gr BTHP on dear out to 500 yards with great success. People say a 223 is not a deer cartridge. But I want to ask you this 1 question then. What is the effective range of a 223 using military standers? 600 yards 200 lbs heavy clothing. That's the answer. So what do you thank that AR will do to a 150-180 lb deer? I'll let ya know after I eat.
My father is having some neck issues that he's currently working through with his doctors. C3 / 5&6 are being a real pain in the ---. Not unusual for a 69 year old guy. His pain at the moment would certainly prevent him from shooting heavy kick rifles. They're going the steroid shot route for now as they try to figure out a long term solution. As of right now the shooting pains from the nerves, etc. hit frequent enough that shooting wouldn't be much fun. So being that we are inherently stubborn creatures and don't want to miss a hunting season or practice we need to figure out what he'll shoot so long as he gets the ok from the Dr.

So, the question to the group is what would you choose in his situation to shoot for whitetail hunting this season. Elevated box blinds, 300 yards max distance in Virginia

He currently has the following options:
1) LMT .308 ar10 with suppressor - really heavy gun to tote around
2) 300 blackout ar with suppressor - lacks range for most blinds but is the perfect rifle for kick/weight
3) A Bolt 7WSM - could add a break to calm it down in consideration of the neck...it's not a bad kick now
4) Use his CZ 308 with reduced recoil loads
5) Seeing as how we love guns should he buy a 6.5cm or a 7-08 or the like and use the neck as an excuse to buy something new?
6) Put the 7wsm or 308 in a different stock with adjustable comb/lop so he can really dial in his head vs. a stock pad

Fire away.
I have a bad neck as well...For me, it isn't about caliber - because the vast majority of that energy is transferred to my shoulder....I find that a low as possible scope mount helps me no "crane" my neck and thus. put me in a bad way. Just a consideration...may or may not be applicable in this case. My best to your Dad. I know the misery.....

Add this to your favorite rifle and go hunting...might be the best brake I have ever used...it is pretty loud on the people to your left and right but not bad at all for the shooter...I would estimate a 90% recoil reduction on my 375 JDJ encore pistol...I now shoot it 1 handed where before it was a both hands and hold on tight...
Update - I advised him that first and foremost he needed to shoulder his three current rifles and see which felt the best to him just to shoulder. Fit is everything as we all know then recoil. Certainly he would notice fit issues more now with his current neck pain.

LMT AR10 in 308: He noticed the weight of the LMT now whereas he had never before. With a Larue Mount, Vortex Viper PST 4-16x50, Suppressor, and no mag it was near 12lbs. Funny how the body will react to weight when something's hurting. He didn't like the idea of even carrying it to the blind with his pain.

Browning A Bolt in 7WSM - most uncomfortable to get on correctly. Worried about the kick most compared to the two .308 options already available.

CZ 550 Mannlicher .308 was the best weight/comfort of the three.

DD 300bo AR - he didn't bother due to range issues of that round.

I think after this test last night that he's still between buying a 6.5 with adjustable comb in a bolt rifle or sticking with the CZ .308 rather than spend $.... time will tell though as he needs to be cleared and then shoot and see.
Reduced recoil 308 or 7mm 08, if u wanna buy something new try out the 6.5 Grendel... it's awesome, low recoil, accurate, and efficient. I run it in 16" and 12" barrels....123 gr sst factory Hornady ammo has taken heavy nw Oklahoma whitetail slightly beyond 300yrds with a 12" barrel. This makes for a lightweight compact package with punch. Ruger, cz, and howa make bolt actions. Or build an ar or ar pistol
People say a 223 is not a deer cartridge. But I want to ask you this 1 question then. What is the effective range of a 223 using military standers? 600 yards 200 lbs heavy clothing.
It's been twenty years since I've been in but military standards for terminal ballistics don't apply here. The US military's criteria for terminal performance varies with the theater of conflict, and Geneva Convection. Killing isn't always in the best interests of the military since logistical resources won't be expended on a dead soldier. So not to be a jerk, but it's not an apples to apples comparison.
Re-barrel the 300BO or build a 6.5 Grendel upper. No recoil, better range than the 300BO and light weight in the AR Platform.
Yes I forget sometimes about the 6.5 Grendel rebarrel the 300 Black Out to a 6.5 Grendel and a brake it would be perfect for whitetail way past 300 yards. Bear Creek sells 6.5 Grendel uppers cheap. Get a SJC Titan Break and it will be like a 10/22 in recoil.
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My father is having some neck issues that he's currently working through with his doctors. C3 / 5&6 are being a real pain in the ---. Not unusual for a 69 year old guy. His pain at the moment would certainly prevent him from shooting heavy kick rifles. They're going the steroid shot route for now as they try to figure out a long term solution. As of right now the shooting pains from the nerves, etc. hit frequent enough that shooting wouldn't be much fun. So being that we are inherently stubborn creatures and don't want to miss a hunting season or practice we need to figure out what he'll shoot so long as he gets the ok from the Dr.

So, the question to the group is what would you choose in his situation to shoot for whitetail hunting this season. Elevated box blinds, 300 yards max distance in Virginia

He currently has the following options:
1) LMT .308 ar10 with suppressor - really heavy gun to tote around
2) 300 blackout ar with suppressor - lacks range for most blinds but is the perfect rifle for kick/weight
3) A Bolt 7WSM - could add a break to calm it down in consideration of the neck...it's not a bad kick now
4) Use his CZ 308 with reduced recoil loads
5) Seeing as how we love guns should he buy a 6.5cm or a 7-08 or the like and use the neck as an excuse to buy something new?
6) Put the 7wsm or 308 in a different stock with adjustable comb/lop so he can really dial in his head vs. a stock pad

Fire away.
I'm 75 and four years ago had similar problems with C6&C7. Shots stopped working so my doctor removed the old worn out disc and replaced it with two titanium plates separated by a nylon bearing. I have complete mobility in my neck, pain is gone and I highly recommend this procedure. Doc went in through front of my neck and there is no remaining scar. Check this option out!
My father is having some neck issues that he's currently working through with his doctors. C3 / 5&6 are being a real pain in the ---. Not unusual for a 69 year old guy. His pain at the moment would certainly prevent him from shooting heavy kick rifles. They're going the steroid shot route for now as they try to figure out a long term solution. As of right now the shooting pains from the nerves, etc. hit frequent enough that shooting wouldn't be much fun. So being that we are inherently stubborn creatures and don't want to miss a hunting season or practice we need to figure out what he'll shoot so long as he gets the ok from the Dr.

So, the question to the group is what would you choose in his situation to shoot for whitetail hunting this season. Elevated box blinds, 300 yards max distance in Virginia

He currently has the following options:
1) LMT .308 ar10 with suppressor - really heavy gun to tote around
2) 300 blackout ar with suppressor - lacks range for most blinds but is the perfect rifle for kick/weight
3) A Bolt 7WSM - could add a break to calm it down in consideration of the neck...it's not a bad kick now
4) Use his CZ 308 with reduced recoil loads
5) Seeing as how we love guns should he buy a 6.5cm or a 7-08 or the like and use the neck as an excuse to buy something new?
6) Put the 7wsm or 308 in a different stock with adjustable comb/lop so he can really dial in his head vs. a stock pad

Fire away.
MT AR10 in 308: He noticed the weight of the LMT now whereas he had never before. With a Larue Mount, Vortex Viper PST 4-16x50, Suppressor, and no mag it was near 12lbs. Funny how the body will react to weight when something's hurting. He didn't like the idea of even carrying it to the blind with his pain.
Yeah my AR10 was around 13lbs, moving weight is no fun when you're hurting. Since the CZ fits him the best then maybe if you could suppress it and try the 125gr Nosler BT would be the way to go. At 3000 fps and 1000ft elevation your drop would be 7.1 inches @ 300 yards with a 200 yard zero. roughly 1400 ft/lbs energy.
Last Thursday I had surgery on the same section of my neck. For this fall I am going back to my 7x57 Mauser. It shoots great and has a mild recoil. I will pray for him.
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