Well, my experience has not been great with RAR, going on 2 weeks now with no reply to my contacts. Maybe I was too forward out of the gate.
"I am very disappointed in the RAR stamped Model 700 ADL I just picked up from my local Rural King after online order. An ADL used to run $299-$399 and now at $589+ I understand inflation but I expected more. I have owned many Model 700's and other Remington branded firearms from various generations and iterations of Remington. This is so far the worst example of a Remington ADL I have laid hands on much less purchased with my hard earned money. The fit and finish appears as if you took unfinished parts from old stock and slapped a matte finish on them and screwed it on a receiver. The matte finish is rough in spots and it appears some pit rust or extra Matte was not removed from the receiver prior to shipping. The advertised jeweled bolt is a farce. The jeweling is incomplete at best in all aspects. The jeweled bolt appears to be a matte bolt with attempted jeweling the jeweling is shallow, uneven and appears unfinished. Additionally, it is noticeably shorter than any jeweling on a Remington I have owned. Most of them the jeweling comes within a centimeter or two of the bolt lugs and the bolt handle. This uneven jeweling stops well before either. Having owned blued, ss, and the black XCR jeweled bolts, I can personally send you side by side photos of the lacking quality. There is a noticeable hum in the raceways when the action is cycled against the matting on the bolt. All of which will require a smith to smooth out at a price.
I was hoping to speak with someone to better understand what happened before I provide feedback to friends, family and on my sporting forums. The only reason I purchased a Rem Arms 700 was to personally see how it's better than what Big Green turned into at the end. This was after reading a review of the 7PRC long range, then the 700 Alpha. Super excited for my favorite action, I wanted to order one just based on the apparent quality improvements like timney triggers, 5R barrels and better stocks. I did not expect an Alpha at the bargain price point of an ADL, but even with a budget ADL I expected a Rem 700 that was plug n play. If you advertise a jeweled bolt then finish the job. With this new rifle one could assume not much has changed since the bankruptcy. I am hopeful that I got a rare mistake and someone can explain to me how this one left the factory. I also hope it fires true (we will have to see) but I'm going to have to refinish it or start over to have it match the quality of even my early to mid 2000's Synthetic ADL in 243. Thank you in advance for your time and consideration."
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