Reloading for the 270 Win

[QUOTE="High voltage; This is a 2" dot. The highlight was at 52.5 gr in my rifle. I believe I'm 20 thou off as well. Best wishes and give 16 a shot, I think it shows good potential.
It looks like you found your load... how do repeat groups look
There are some conflicting stop points online so I called Sierra, their tech was pretty enthusiastic about rl16 for the 270. He said their accuracy load was 51.5 gr. I started at 51.5 and went to 53. 51.5 shot almost as tight, 53 showed primer cratering. Again this was in my rifle so I would start around 50.5 and work up from there. I have not got a chance to reload nor get out and verify this load, life has been busy. Best wishes and hopefully this info is useful and if you do get to try rl16 post back with your results. Once I find more time I have 2 boxes of 145 eldx I'm going to try as well
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Do like the accuracy side, but need as much velocity as I can get from a 20" barrel.

Not very many folks have 20" barrel on their .270 Win. What kind of velocity are you currently getting and what bullet/powder combination? Do you have a certain acceptable velocity goal? You might have to do quite a bit of experimentation and find the best compromise between accuracy and velocity.

Good luck!
This particular 20" barreled rifle is a BSA CF2 Mannlicher. So it is not a custom built carbine. It seems to like factory ammo so far. The next step is to tailor a load of my liking.
I haven't checked any velocities yet, I'm not sure how well the magnetospeed will work with a full stocked rifle. Will post as information is gathered.
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