reloading .270 win with RL 19

I had problems with R-19 and standard primers with hang fires in a 6.5 Remington Magnum. Quite similar power charge to your .270 Winchester. Try magnum primers.
I use it with a 110 grain Sierra and WLR primers......shoots dots @ 200 yards......Shame Sierra discontinued that bullet.
Part of the reason I have an attitude with them, along with a few other bullets in different calibers that I used to shoot of theirs that they also discontinued. But yes, it works well and so does H4350.
Made it in time !!!! I was able to order 2 pounds. This will be used for my 30/06 if the RL 19 works in the .270.... Thanks again !!
Just checked again (9:52 PM CST), and it shows "out of stock". Thanks for the heads-up !! I got the confirmation on my order of two cans, so it should be on it's way to me next week.
Awesome!! Glad you were able to get some!
R19 s/b slightly slower than 4350 burn rate. My experience with it finds it similar to IMR4831.

Start low and work it up and I ll bet than 270 will like it just fine!
I tried the RL19 in my .270win this past fall. Using the 150gn NP and RL19 55.8gn, OAL 3.340, new Hornady brass. cci 250 primers. Vo 2796-2805 ft/s. With good accuracy. The chamber somewhat oversized and some erosion in the throat after 4000-5000 shots.
In case of tight chamber start 2-3gn less. (56gn just about max for the volume in my cases with the 150gn bullets).
I tried the RL19 in my .270win this past fall. Using the 150gn NP and RL19 55.8gn, OAL 3.340, new Hornady brass. cci 250 primers. Vo 2796-2805 ft/s. With good accuracy. The chamber somewhat oversized and some erosion in the throat after 4000-5000 shots.
In case of tight chamber start 2-3gn less. (56gn just about max for the volume in my cases with the 150gn bullets).
Similar load in my .270 with 130gr hornady sst. Just under 3100fps and nice groups.
I have ran RL19 and 130 grain bergers but that was 15 years ago. I switched to imr 4831 and never looked back. But if ya got I would run with it.
Sorry, I load a lot of 270 Win, with the 130 Grn .Nosler Ballistic Tips, but I have always used either H 4831 or H 4831SC, which is my favorite for my rifles with 24-inch barrels , or IMR 4350 for a friends Rifle with a 22 inch barrel . Great results for many years !
I load a lot of 270, but never got around to using RL19. But I bet it will work great given it's burn rate is between H4350 and H4831...which are both fantastic powders for 130 gr in the 270 Win.

Good luck and let us know the results.
60 grs of H4831 in every 270 I ever loaded for
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