reloading .270 win with RL 19

If available this is your answer. Same as Jack O'Connor used since 1950's (until his death)
Where do you think I got the load from I was having trouble finding a load that worked I just happened to read a story by Jack O'Conner. Tired it and never tired anymore
Yea, I will. I was just trying to make a point that this post is about me asking for loads using RL19 for the 270, and I get some well-wishers telling me to use H4831 instead. I know they mean well, but it doesn't help the situation.
I will repeat what I said, I had a load long ago with RL19 and 130 Barnes TSX. Was getting 1/2" groups. I do not want to disclose because it is higher than what loading manuals say is max now. I suggest you work your way up, but you will get a good load with RL19
I use them in my 30/06 and my .340 Wby, so I have a little experience reloading with them. The 30/06 was easy, just seating it to the last cannelure (toward the ogive), and the Wby was seated to the Factory COAL of their load.
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