Recoil solution


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2016
Central Oregon
Good day everyone:
This is my first post ever although I have Beene eating posts on this site for a couple of yearrs.
I have been shooting and hunting since I was a kid and also reloading. I have many firearms but this post is for advice.
Some years ago I purchased a 700 Remington Moutain SS rifle in 300 RUM for an anticipated bear hunt that never materialized.
I am normally not recoil sensitive having shot calibers up to 416 magnum with no issues.
This rifle has the nastiest recoil I have ever experienced! In an effort to tame it somewhat a radial brake and Limbsaver recoil pad replaced the stock pad.
Very little improvement.
This rifle weighs 8.6 lbs unloaded w scope and the thin barrel is threaded 5x28 with a diameter around .650. I am looking for a recommendation on what brake will settle the recoil down some more. From what I am seeing from the experts here, APA seems to be
the most recommended. What say you?
You were right about APA. The Fat Bastard:

Results of recoil reduction test:
Thank you everyone for your input. Since the barrel is threaded 1/2 x 28, the APA FB is not a viable option. The other two options look good as an alternative. I am currently shooting 180s but would like to utilize the heavier bullets. These loads approximate what Remington used to call power level II.
Salmon river will also do made to order stuff last I talked to him too so that may help if you decide to go that route. If it was me I'd probably go with a larger diameter brake and have it tapered back to barrel diameter when it's installed. The more surface area the ports have, the more efficient it is in reducing recoil.
The taper is what I was thinking because of the thin barrel. Barrel mics about .650 at the muzzle just before the threads. It is interesting to me how much recoil this particular rifle has compared to my 300 Weatherby( no brake) and 416 rem mag. A limbsaver recoil pad hardly made a difference. Only reason I put it on was because the Remington pad got sticky. A known problem
Good day everyone:
This is my first post ever although I have Beene eating posts on this site for a couple of yearrs.
I have been shooting and hunting since I was a kid and also reloading. I have many firearms but this post is for advice.
Some years ago I purchased a 700 Remington Moutain SS rifle in 300 RUM for an anticipated bear hunt that never materialized.
I am normally not recoil sensitive having shot calibers up to 416 magnum with no issues.
This rifle has the nastiest recoil I have ever experienced! In an effort to tame it somewhat a radial brake and Limbsaver recoil pad replaced the stock pad.
Very little improvement.
This rifle weighs 8.6 lbs unloaded w scope and the thin barrel is threaded 5x28 with a diameter around .650. I am looking for a recommendation on what brake will settle the recoil down some more. From what I am seeing from the experts here, APA seems to be
the most recommended. What say you?
Good day everyone:
This is my first post ever although I have Beene eating posts on this site for a couple of yearrs.
I have been shooting and hunting since I was a kid and also reloading. I have many firearms but this post is for advice.
Some years ago I purchased a 700 Remington Moutain SS rifle in 300 RUM for an anticipated bear hunt that never materialized.
I am normally not recoil sensitive having shot calibers up to 416 magnum with no issues.
This rifle has the nastiest recoil I have ever experienced! In an effort to tame it somewhat a radial brake and Limbsaver recoil pad replaced the stock pad.
Very little improvement.
This rifle weighs 8.6 lbs unloaded w scope and the thin barrel is threaded 5x28 with a diameter around .650. I am looking for a recommendation on what brake will settle the recoil down some more. From what I am seeing from the experts here, APA seems to be
the most recommended. What say you?
try Witt Machine
You may want to compare the lop to your other rifles. My tikka 308, less than 7lb w/scope, kicks like a bugger but nothing compared to my friend's Savage that weighs 20% more but the LOP is about 1.5 inches longer. That slaps me like a red headed step child
Terminator T2, 1/2-28 thread and just look good on a thinner barrels. Comes in 7mm but can be opened to 30 cal (the seller did it for me a few years ago).
+1 for the Terminators

IF you can stand the look of it, I've yet to find one that was as effective as the JP Eliminator
Thanks for the advice. I did check the measurement and it is about the same as my Weatherby and several other rifles i checked. It did change just a little because the Limbsaver recoil pad is thicker than the stock Remington pad.
I have an old 06 that had significant recoil with the wood stock. Manageable, but at the range after a day you noticed the recoil.
I changed that stock for weather stability to a composite and it was like a different rifle.
I am considering changing the Tupperware stock out for a Manners EH-1 when I change the brake. It is unfortunate but this rifle became a safe queen. I should have corrected this situation a long time ago.
Good day everyone:
This is my first post ever although I have Beene eating posts on this site for a couple of yearrs.
I have been shooting and hunting since I was a kid and also reloading. I have many firearms but this post is for advice.
Some years ago I purchased a 700 Remington Moutain SS rifle in 300 RUM for an anticipated bear hunt that never materialized.
I am normally not recoil sensitive having shot calibers up to 416 magnum with no issues.
This rifle has the nastiest recoil I have ever experienced! In an effort to tame it somewhat a radial brake and Limbsaver recoil pad replaced the stock pad.
Very little improvement.
This rifle weighs 8.6 lbs unloaded w scope and the thin barrel is threaded 5x28 with a diameter around .650. I am looking for a recommendation on what brake will settle the recoil down some more. From what I am seeing from the experts here, APA seems to be
the most recommended. What say you?
You might consider having a Smith look at the back of your stock and change the angle...look on You Tube for more information on this. There are folks out there that have found amazing differences..just about as good as brakes with this.....just my 2¢ ! ( And much quieter
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