Rechamber to 264 win mag?

Measure the magazine box first, most sako 85s are pretty short in that department, and not much aftermarket support.


Is the Tikka better (i.e., longer) in that department? I know I could pick up a brand new T3x for ~$800...

What min length of magazine box do I need for a .264 WM, assuming I want ability to shoot big 156gr at some point?
If you want an affordable rifle that works great just do a Remage. So many prefits for the 700. Wyatt's extended box is simple to install and will give you plenty of room to throat it out for the heavies. Endless selection of triggers and stocks available.
The only reason I mentioned the Tikka at the beginning is because the op wanted to just team a factory barrel and the Tikka is always on a long action so it would work. All the rest of the rifles would be a single shot because they are on short actions. Given a choice I would take a custom barrel any day. The majority of your accuracy is in the barrel all else being equal.
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