Rechamber to 264 win mag?

No I've just aways had a hankering for one. Figured I may find a used rifle with a faster twist and get it rechambered to save money.
Beings you want the fast twist, what bullets are you planning to shoot? The saami spec 264wm throat is quite short. But you'll want that on a Tikka as the longest mag length you'll get is 3.4".
All the Tikka 6.5s have an 8 twist which will shoot almost all the 6.5 bullets good. There might be a few in solids that need more twist but not many. I know the Creed has a 24 inch barrel.
Beings you want the fast twist, what bullets are you planning to shoot? The saami spec 264wm throat is quite short. But you'll want that on a Tikka as the longest mag length you'll get is 3.4".
130 to 147? Not over 150!
Be aware if you were to re-chamber a 6.5CM, 260 Rem, 6.5x284 , etc. to 264 mag You will most likely end up with too thin of a chamber wall.!!! TConsider this. There are ton's of used magnum rifles out there in various cal's. Many at bargain prices. Pick one of these up & re-barrel to 264 mag. It is a splendid cal. My last barrel job was from "E.R. Shaw" A new stainless Bbl , your choice of length , contour & twist. Was installed & delivered back to me for about $450. I have several of their barrels & they shoot great. Just another thought to consider.
Much easier and probably cheaper in the long run would be to get a Savage mag action and screw a pre-fit barrel on. I would suggest going as long a barrel as you can. The 264 mag needs a minimum of 26" or you might as well go with a 6.5x284 of 6.5-06. I have a 9 twist 27 3/4" Shilen on my 264 Win mag. I did not have it made but got it almost new in a trade. I would have gone with an 8 twist if I was making it. But it shoots with 130 Accubonds with Retumbo. 3350 fps with sub MOA accuracy. A deer's worst nightmare. It is a Rem. 700 mag action.
You will not have too thin of a chamber wall. Tikka Chambers magnums on this combo already and I'm sure they wouldn't make them unsafe. Look at the prefits you can buy. They come in factory contour with magnum calibers. I would put a factory Tikka barrel on my gun before a Shaw any day. You can get some really good prefits for Tikka actions for 400 to 500 bucks.
Be aware if you were to re-chamber a 6.5CM, 260 Rem, 6.5x284 , etc. to 264 mag You will most likely end up with too thin of a chamber wall.!!! TConsider this. There are ton's of used magnum rifles out there in various cal's. Many at bargain prices. Pick one of these up & re-barrel to 264 mag. It is a splendid cal. My last barrel job was from "E.R. Shaw" A new stainless Bbl , your choice of length , contour & twist. Was installed & delivered back to me for about $450. I have several of their barrels & they shoot great. Just another thought to consider.
Thin chamber wall is not to my liking at all. Your suggestion may prove to be a better option!!
T3 comes in 7 mag and 338 mag essentially the same case as the 264 win mag. It comes in 270wsm and 300 wsm. Both are fatter than the 264wm. Comes in 300 win mag. Longer than 264 with same diameter. Somebody better call Tikka and tell them their chamber walls are too thin. Must be 1000s of them out there ready to blow up like my 270wsm Tikka.
I stated that if you were attempting to re chamber a 6.5 CM, 260 Rem or 6.5x284 ending up with a thin wall is very real.
I stated that if you were attempting to re chamber a 6.5 CM, 260 Rem or 6.5x284 ending up with a thin wall is very real.
How?! The Tikka barrel contour is the EXACT same all the way from 22-250 to 300 win mag? You'll have more meat at the case mouth and shoulder than a factory Tikka 300wm. Oh they do 300 and 270wsm too! A 550 diameter case. The 264 is 30k smaller than that at the shoulder. So run some numbers or do some research before stating false info. Have you saw a kimber 8400 Montana or mtn ascent? They're tiny contour, chambered all the way up to 338 win. He's be just fine reaming a Tikka sporter.
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Thank you for your information. Many rifle makers strive to reduce overall weight by making their barrels thinner. I have seen re-chambering like this in the past be a problem . Not trying to pass on false info just thinking of safety for all. Thank you again.
Are you hell bent on the 264? On a Tikka, I'd suggest a 6.5 short mag for efficiency and availability of quality components and dies. However on a true long action throated properly for heavies, 264wm is a beast!
I have the same disease as OP. I keep trying to convince myself I'd be happy with something else - LGS has a brand new Hells Canyon Speed 26 Nosler on sale for $849 that I've almost bought a couple of times - but I just can't shake the .264 WM bug. I've had it too long.

Same LGS has a Finnlight 7MM RM (brand new) on sale for $1,079. I'm strongly considering buying that for an upcoming elk trip, and then maybe rebarelling it this winter to .264. I know that doesn't really "make sense" but I'm not sure I care - like I said, I've got the .264 itch and it needs to be scratched.

Any sage advice for rebarelling a Finnlight to .264? I know Sako has a great reputation...I just realize that I don't really know jack about them...
I have the same disease as OP. I keep trying to convince myself I'd be happy with something else - LGS has a brand new Hells Canyon Speed 26 Nosler on sale for $849 that I've almost bought a couple of times - but I just can't shake the .264 WM bug. I've had it too long.

Same LGS has a Finnlight 7MM RM (brand new) on sale for $1,079. I'm strongly considering buying that for an upcoming elk trip, and then maybe rebarelling it this winter to .264. I know that doesn't really "make sense" but I'm not sure I care - like I said, I've got the .264 itch and it needs to be scratched.

Any sage advice for rebarelling a Finnlight to .264? I know Sako has a great reputation...I just realize that I don't really know jack about them...
Measure the magazine box first, most sako 85s are pretty short in that department, and not much aftermarket support.
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