264 win mag

As an old guy who has been shooting the 264 since 1964. I own four of them. The best powder I have used is VV24N41. One click slower than N570. Drives
the Nosler 140gr AB to 3229 gps from the 26" bbl of my Win EW. Great powder for 120gr bullets & up. Seems to be a very over looked powder. Powder Valley has been my source. They are probably out right now , but they do get it in. O Ya, 1/9 twist & tiny groups.
As an old guy who has been shooting the 264 since 1964. I own four of them. The best powder I have used is VV24N41. One click slower than N570. Drives
the Nosler 140gr AB to 3229 gps from the 26" bbl of my Win EW. Great powder for 120gr bullets & up. Seems to be a very over looked powder. Powder Valley has been my source. They are probably out right now , but they do get it in. O Ya, 1/9 twist & tiny groups.
I was able to get 3 lbs about a month ago of 24N. Got a 26 Nosler in build process that I will be using it in.
I do like this gun so far I do have a 6.5 creed more,6.5-06 and a 6.5-284 and I'll probably end up with a 6.5 prc but so far I'm like shooting this the best. Seems they don't get much love but it's been a fun gun when weather changes I'm excited to go out and shoot long range and true the ballistics
I to have a love for the 264 Mag and though I have several other 6.5's the 264 is my favorite. I am now considering getting a Weatherby 6.5 RPM a lengthen 6.5 X 284 I am told.
I to have a love for the 264 Mag and though I have several other 6.5's the 264 is my favorite. I am now considering getting a Weatherby 6.5 RPM a lengthen 6.5 X 284 I am told.
I built a 6.5-284 a while back on a old ruger m77 action that was a 270 that I got at a pawn shop for 270.00 it shoots good 140 at 3000 with retumbo 26 inch barrel I'm doing a savage for my son in a 6.5-284 waiting on a barrel northwest shooting supply was 3 month out on a remage it's an old 110c another pawn shop special I've got the stock done tried acid etching for the first time


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