Catorres 1 -
I'd like to add one last note to this discussion. When seeking advice for selecting equipment it's a good idea to understand that some of your responses will come from hunters, some from target shooters, and some from a combination of those interests. The long rang target shooters usually do a lot more shooting than those who only hunt and, in my experience, have need for more sophisticated equipment to develop "bug hole" accuracy at long distances. Some hunters, depending on the terrain they hunt, rarely even get a shot that's over 500 yards.
Again, an excellent point! For me, it's all about hunting. I do not compete, nor want to. I shoot targets strictly to be a better shooter in order to hunt. As I have been reading the parsing the responses, I too thought that the place some are answering from may be different then where I am.
I do not want to shoot at game at 1000 yards. Steel, yes, but game, no. And beyond that, other than a training facility, I don't have that opportunity.
Some of the places I plan on hunting in the next 1-2 years have shots that could go as long as you can imagine, but I am not that hunter, even if I had the skill, which I definitely do not.
So yeah, you raise a great I need a 1600 yard RF? Considering people hunted without lasers forever, so clearly not. But is the ability to range that far for other purposes other than shooting...and to have the RF compensate for temp and pressure as that worth the extra $180 it's going to cost me? That's the question. Compelling arguments have been made on both sides of the issue, no doubt.
I was hoping that the wealth of experience on this board would generally agree. Lots of really good thought provoking points and help that I really appreciate, but but they don't in this case so, ultimately, yeah, I'll have to get off the pot and make a decision!