Rangefinder need....as opposed to want...

Check out the Bushnell 1200 ARC. It's 1/2 the price. I have it and the Leica 1600B. Out to 800 or so the both work about the same.
I have the ARC and have ranged out to 1300 yds, very hard to keep it steady and it will only read that far when steady. I will try to figure out a way to keep it from moving without a tripod
I replaced my dedicated rangefinder with a Bushnell ARC 1 Mile binocular rangefinder in 10 X 42 and am very happy with its accuracy and programmable features. And then there is the fact that I don't have to carry both a rangefinder and separate binoculars.

The ARC 1 Mile glass is good but not excellent however I'm paying for the excellent range finding and can put up with "merely" good glass. For a few thousand more I can get Geovids, but I haven't won the lottery yet.
Used alot of range finders owned Liecas, my old square model 1200 was 475 new they are great units for the money still use mine bow hunting and lone to son that has my old think it was 8-900 model. My rifle was out shooting my LRF so I up graded for last time. Kinda been same for me and lawn mowers up to a 61'' husky but I really need a 61'' diesel badboy
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