Ramblings and Such From Hunting Coyote

No, we don't have any pecan trees here someone was putting them out to feed the squirrels. We do have some black walnut trees that have been planted here by people. A lot of people feed them year-round here to watch them like the birds not knowing really what problems they might cause them. My sister-in-law was feeding the hummingbirds till late in September, I asked her do you think they will survive the trip south this late in the year with the only food being feeders for them? I never thought about that I just enjoy watching them! There is a large population of antelope, deer and turkeys that live in the cemetery up the street, when the city stopped watering the grass they had to leave there to find water and venture out into traffic oops what is that thing moving really fast? Where my daughter lives someone was feeding the deer right beside of a busy road, the Game and Fish asked them to stop so they changed the time that they fed them several deer got hit and killed then the Sheriff's department and the Game and Fish paid them a visit confiscated all of their feeders they ended up paying the state restitution for the deer that were hit and killed and then peoples insurance companies went looking for reimbursement for damaged autos. All because someone thought they were helping the poor little critters, and they enjoyed watching them. I don't feed them, but I do watch them when they come around and I have picked a few up off of the street that were in the process of becoming sail squirrel's you know the flat dried out spots in the road that used to be some living creature, that when the wind blows it gets blown into the air and sails away. They just don't know any better the people or the animals neither one thinks very far ahead to see what will happen if I do this.
Have been up in my home country of Eastern Montana on my yearly coyote hunt staying at the in-laws farm. Have made 5 stands and have had 5 coyotes come in and shot 4. The 5th one saw me and spooked before i could get a shot. Nothing over 5 minutes of calling. The one this morning came in at about 3 minutes. Came around the hill I was sitting and raced by two steps in front of me and knocked my caller out of the piece of sage brush it was sitting. Then ran up the hillside opposite me and stopped and looked back. 75 yards with a 6mm creedmoor with a 95 grain Berger Classic Hunter. Sorry I don't have m
ore pics. I always have my phone in my pocket but forget to take pictures. Have not shot a pup. All mature coyote males except the one this morning was a female.
Have been up in my home country of Eastern Montana on my yearly coyote hunt staying at the in-laws farm. Have made 5 stands and have had 5 coyotes come in and shot 4. The 5th one saw me and spooked before i could get a shot. Nothing over 5 minutes of calling. The one this morning came in at about 3 minutes. Came around the hill I was sitting and raced by two steps in front of me and knocked my caller out of the piece of sage brush it was sitting. Then ran up the hillside opposite me and stopped and looked back. 75 yards with a 6mm creedmoor with a 95 grain Berger Classic Hunter. Sorry I don't have mView attachment 609808ore pics. I always have my phone in my pocket but forget to take pictures. Have not shot a pup. All mature coyote males except the one this morning was a female.
Great job Straightshooter. Keep up the good work and good looking coyote there.
Yes, it is only October after all, and we are still getting plenty of day light hours. The little red fox should be pretty good by the end of the month, but I figured that the coyotes were at their best around mid-November and the bobcats got good around the end of December. They for sure don't have their summer coats on.
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We got cooler weather Friday and some rain, close to a quarter of an inch here. It has helped with the fires and our air quality is and has been the best since we started getting the smoke from the Canadian fires in April, in the upper 20's to lower 30's. Our temperatures have been closer to normal in the lower 70's, with our average for this time of year being closer to 60 F, for daytime highs. The elk fire is now 48 percent contained the fish creek fire is a bit more contained they each have burned more than 80,000 acres apiece. I saw a small female coyote yesterday, she was about the size of a large red fox, and that's as big as she will ever get, not much for good fur yet, but looking better than summer fur. I think that I am going to like the Remington 260 well, I think they should have advertised it and the 280 more. I had an old 7mm Mauser when I was a kid and it was nearly the same as the Rem 280, the newer Creedmoor really doesn't have much over the 260 as far as I can tell at this time. At any rate rifles are like everything else in our lives we all have our favorites for what we are wanting to do at the time. I am well pleased with the 1911 that I made my way through with the help of Ed, they just feel good in my hand, and it doesn't seem to mind me using either hand as my dominate hand.