Protrusions caused by ejector pins

Latest update: to my own surprise the same issue happened with ammo from Norma and from Barnes. Here is what I noticed though. After shooting g about 3-4 rounds the protrusions fade away and then completely disappear. If I than switch back to the original box of Hornady I started with, there is nothing to see anymore.
However, as soon as I run a cleaning rod through it with shooter's choice solvent, it starts printing again and then again after couple of shots disappear again.
So my simple mind is guessing that due to the residue in the chamber, the case is able to expand just so slightly more than with the chamber completely or close to be dry. Not sure what to think about that. First rifle that has ever happened to me.
The first Few shots after cleaning will have higher pressure from the solvent in the barrel.
It's sounding like you have a tight chamber, but as you keep shooting it is breaking in and slowly loosening up.
Hope this helps.

Ps. The springs for ejector may need to be adjusted or changed.