Private hunting club

I joined a club 35 years ago in ENC. Club had some really good land, and some bad lands, lots of members and way to many "honorary" members who did not pay anything, but took advantage of everything. After one year as a member, I was voted VP. The next year the President fell out of a tree and broke his back and I became president. I called a mandatory club meeting for discussions on rules, dues and safety requirements.

In that meeting, it became very apparent how divided the club was over honorary memberships. As President, I was to get membership without paying dues. I nixed that in front of the group and kept my paid dues in the check book. At the same time I removed all honorary status with no dues. If you want to be a member, you pay. We also removed and adjusted rules, and we went to a zero tolerance for braking some of the safety rules.

Anyway, to make a very long story short, the final answer for a great club with members with same goal and mindset was to raise the dues and lower the membership. We went from a club of 74 members and lots of land, to a club of 8 with only the best 3 tracts of land. All the BS was gone, no fighting, squabbling or back stabbing. It was an absolute joy and those remaining members are still very close friends of mine. The land was sold years ago and we had to close the club, but the people I met in the club are still hunting buddies of mine today.

So, if you want a very good club with good people, I find small clubs with high dues the kind I want to be in as it seems to limit the issues. There are still people with means that are just out for themselves, but they can be asked to leave after one year and replaced with solid group minded hunters. Good Luck. The club you want to be in will not be on public forums. You will have to find it talking to wildlife officers, taxidermists, or trusted people at your local gun shops.
That's what it takes to make a good club.Someone with vision and a big stick that is willing to use it.
We did much the same at one point. Left 80% of the property with the others and five of use took five hundred acres. Best move we ever made.
There were hurt feelings and lost friends over this. But it was that or the club folded.
The thing about putting money in a lease you never know when you may lose it. Heirs or timber company decides to sell the land or double the lease amount. I spent 25 years hunting in leases. After hunting private property, even a small tract I will never go back.