I've been a Ham since 1/16/2001. I took all three exams at once (Tech, General, and Extra) and passed 100 on the first two and I missed one on the extra. According to the VE's that administered the exams I was the only person to have ever done that in their time as VE's and I took the very last code test that they were going to give. I studied for those tests a very long time. Every night for a couple of hours after I put my kids to bed (single dad). It paid off but... I had the ticket, but I didn't have all of the knowledge that I would have gained if I had gone step by step. It worked out. I've restored a couple of tube rigs and even a couple of old HW8's (including mine).
I stuck with CW thanks to a Ham up in Minnesota. He set up a sked with me 3 nights a week. At one time I could copy 25 WPM, no paper and send about the same. I set a key on the console of my pickup and made some JA contacts plus plenty of US contacts. I sent my location as mile marker xxx westbound on IH10. I was texting and driving before texting and driving was... well... it's never been cool so idk what to call it.
I can be found on 6m on FT8 most of the time. Sometimes I'll check into the Slow Code net (good way to learn CW or hone your skills a little. POTA seems like it would be fun (Parks On The Air). Or SOTA but I might be too far down the road to be scurrying around mountain tops with Ham gear.
Original call was AD5BS (should have kept that one. Best last two letters for a Ham op ever), then WM5LL (never liked that call), then, because it's a short CW call, NE5U which is where I am today. I'm on QRZ.com.
Looking forward to seeing you on the bands. 73