Our Youth 2022 - No Idea on the History of the United States.

What is happening to our youth has been in play for quite some time, and the structure, quite pervasive. I have five grandchildren, and, live in a very blue state which magnifies the issue….But, can assure you that it's coming your way! Having two daughters that were raised with traditional values, they are well aware of the issues with how our youth are being indoctrinated, but unfortunately they seem to be in the minority. We pulled the grandkids out of the public school system, and well distanced from the highly manipulative, and self serving Teachers Union. They only teach the history and agendas they want to! Putting the grandkids in private school helped quite a bit, but, kids don't live in isolation…..Social media(unfortunately biased) is a primary channel of control, and has been allowed to operate in the shadows. It's design is to do the thinking for all of us. We should not under-estimate it's influence,…..And, do everything in our collective power to discredit and vote out the systems controlling our youth! Good news is that the the current(inept) power brokers may have gotten too bold with the flooding of ALL the radical agendas, greatly raising public awareness, and shining some light into the shadows. Perhaps I'm too much of an optimist, but I believe common sense will prevail in the end.
I have 2 that have graduated and one that still goes to a school that focuses on the constitution and the foundation of this country. The founder, Earl Taylor, traveled the country giving seminar's on the constitution and the founding fathers of this country. Learning American history and government is a huge part of this school. They have had liberal groups from the north east try and fight the school over the curriculum. We are in Az and these groups have no logical reason to be interfering in a school they have never seen that is located clear across the country. The school mascot is "Heros"; referring to the founding fathers. I am surprised at how knowledgeable my older boys are.
What is happening to our youth has been in play for quite some time, and the structure, quite pervasive. I have five grandchildren, and, live in a very blue state which magnifies the issue….But, can assure you that it's coming your way! Having two daughters that were raised with traditional values, they are well aware of the issues with how our youth are being indoctrinated, but unfortunately they seem to be in the minority. We pulled the grandkids out of the public school system, and well distanced from the highly manipulative, and self serving Teachers Union. They only teach the history and agendas they want to! Putting the grandkids in private school helped quite a bit, but, kids don't live in isolation…..Social media(unfortunately biased) is a primary channel of control, and has been allowed to operate in the shadows. It's design is to do the thinking for all of us. We should not under-estimate it's influence,…..And, do everything in our collective power to discredit and vote out the systems controlling our youth! Good news is that the the current(inept) power brokers may have gotten too bold with the flooding of ALL the radical agendas, greatly raising public awareness, and shining some light into the shadows. Perhaps I'm too much of an optimist, but I believe common sense will prevail in the end.
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I would love to believe that common sense will prevail , but I have to ask, how many people today do you actually believe have any common sense? ,
as to me ,it seems to be an extremely rare thing anymore ,
so few seem to have any! IMO!!
even highly educated people today seem to be lacking it in simple ways of common sense!

its just a dying off and its fading away, at an alarming rate !
and I fear it won't be there to prevail, as by the time enough people MIGHT get to the point to do something major, there won;t be enough that still have comm om sense at today's rate!

just think about it, were living in a time when people don;'t know if there boys or girls, men or women, what bathroom to use, our so called leaders don't know how to describe what one is either(male/female, man woman, boy girl)
if common sense cannot figure this out,
I question what will happen in the future and think we all should be worried !
I tend to agree that common sense amongst the masses is in short supply. What we need to rely on is the silent majority of us that tend to lay back, mind our own business, and concentrate on supporting our families and adding value to society. We wil NEVER get all of the people for the reason you describe, but if we can kick the sleeping dog the scales can be tipped. We saw this in Virginia when the left wing nutcases crossed the line with the she-wolves. I think the upcoming mid-terms will be the true test of whether our country can be taken back. Usually, the tables have turned without any major burning issues. We have more "major" issues in the up-coming mid-terms then have ever existed in my 7 decade lifetime. Normally, the opposition is set back one maybe two cycles. Perhaps this one could be double that! Again, an optimistic perspective.
I tend to agree that common sense amongst the masses is in short supply. What we need to rely on is the silent majority of us that tend to lay back, mind our own business, and concentrate on supporting our families and adding value to society. We wil NEVER get all of the people for the reason you describe, but if we can kick the sleeping dog the scales can be tipped. We saw this in Virginia when the left wing nutcases crossed the line with the she-wolves. I think the upcoming mid-terms will be the true test of whether our country can be taken back. Usually, the tables have turned without any major burning issues. We have more "major" issues in the up-coming mid-terms then have ever existed in my 7 decade lifetime. Normally, the opposition is set back one maybe two cycles. Perhaps this one could be double that! Again, an optimistic perspective.

If we don't vote we are doomed. Our side is full of excuses why they don't vote. If you don't vote you are fine with defeat and have already given in to slavery and demise.

Quitters never win and winners never quit. Any of you that don't vote need to get in the game. Be part of the solution not part of the problem.

Sorry Len, I'll stop now.

If we don't vote we are doomed. Our side is full of excuses why they don't vote. If you don't vote you are fine with defeat and have already given in to slavery and demise.

Quitters never win and winners never quit. Any of you that don't vote need to get in the game. Be part of the solution not part of the problem.

Sorry Len, I'll stop now.
I have voted since i turned 18 ,(umpteen years ago) I'm in this blue state & it has been run into the ground by it's democRATic "leaders" for the last 40 years...
What was once a shining city & region is now a cesspool......all of my votes don't seem to count since all the delegates go to the Democratic Ticket anyway.......It will not deter me from voting, just sayin, its not about just casting your 1 vote.....
its getting OTHERS to vote the same way.
voting is great we all should, but I feel one of the big problems today is, in all honestly, there are very few folks worth voting for, its like having to pick between bad, worse and, ???
after some of the past elections, people in other countries must be looking at the USA and seeing who is getting voted in and thinking, is this REALLY the best the USA has to offer??
its like out of the 300+ million people , these are the best we have to run this country??
hen add in, what ever part ends up in office, all the other party does is do there best to fight them on everything, to the point almost nothing gets done anymore, minus spending billions of dollars with poor results, or little positive results!
I;m no expert on politic's by any means, but all I see anymore is two parties fighting to get "THERE" way, over fixing anything
and it doesn;t even matter if THERE WAY is good for the people or not, they get fixated on winning there side over fixing any problems, and by the item they make any head way there 4 yr president is getting ready to get booted out to start the nonsense all over again!
with a huge wake of wasted funds down the drain and the USA deeper in debt than ever with more problems ,not less!

SO< yeah voting is good, but when candidates are lets face it, not the sharpest tools in the shed, or just life long politicians that know how to milk the job to THERE benefits, where does voting really get us!??

waiting till next TIME to vote again?? deeper in debt?
maybe we really need better candidates to vote for, before anything good will happen! and I don;t see that happened any time soon sadly! as a lot of the elected officials I see today are , honestly and sadly JOKES!, yet they got VOTED in!
when the majority of the population is turning into idiots, ,.ain;t it pitifully funny how idiots get elected?
and just saying, has anyone seemed to notice since POT became legal in so many places that ?? HUMM< more folks seem dumber now than ever, old joke used to be they call it DOPE for a reason!
certain static's say 7 out of 10 folks in the USA< use illegal drugs!!~
and we wonder why common sense is going extinct and folks seem dumber today than ever! ?
but what do I know!
Its just my 2 cents here !
I'm only 59 so haven't been around as long as some of you grumpy old farts but holy crap guys you whine worse than a bunch of old crows! Don't you remember your grampa complaining about that evil box they called a television. Or that wild kid they called Elvis. Or maybe for some of you that dam contraption they call the automobile!!
Young adults of today certainly are different than you were, but just because they have the ability to use technology to achieve in seconds what took who knows how much time for you to do doesn't make them bad. Just take our long range shooting for example. Because of technology developed by young forward thinking developers you have the ability to shoot 1000 yds. or more with a rifle and equipment the you can buy at the sporting goods store.
Stay young my friends! There's lots of wrong in the world, but if instead of complaing about our young people, you have a little patience and listen they might fix your cell phone for you!
I'm only 59 so haven't been around as long as some of you grumpy old farts but holy crap guys you whine worse than a bunch of old crows! Don't you remember your grampa complaining about that evil box they called a television. Or that wild kid they called Elvis. Or maybe for some of you that dam contraption they call the automobile!!
Young adults of today certainly are different than you were, but just because they have the ability to use technology to achieve in seconds what took who knows how much time for you to do doesn't make them bad. Just take our long range shooting for example. Because of technology developed by young forward thinking developers you have the ability to shoot 1000 yds. or more with a rifle and equipment the you can buy at the sporting goods store.
Stay young my friends! There's lots of wrong in the world, but if instead of complaing about our young people, you have a little patience and listen they might fix your cell phone for you!
Exactly why the younger generations are what they are now. Just look at Oregon and the Cities Burning to the Ground with Riots in Portland and people trying a make a living with their Stores/properties and lives destroyed.! Don't pay attention to how they are being brought up and taught in schools. Hell Yea let them run free! We older people are the crazy ones. Why work when you can steal and destroy. I should not complain when these "Young People" destroy everything I worked for. Yes I need PATIENCE and listen so they can fix my cellphone.
This "Younger Generation" may be able to fix your cell phone, but what about everything else in the world. These Next Generation so called "Cell Phone Fixers" do they know anything about our Constitution -Way of Life- Economics.
These are our next LEADERS!
Tailfeathers are you serious to post this!!!!!
I tend to agree that common sense amongst the masses is in short supply. What we need to rely on is the silent majority of us that tend to lay back, mind our own business, and concentrate on supporting our families and adding value to society. We wil NEVER get all of the people for the reason you describe, but if we can kick the sleeping dog the scales can be tipped. We saw this in Virginia when the left wing nutcases crossed the line with the she-wolves. I think the upcoming mid-terms will be the true test of whether our country can be taken back. Usually, the tables have turned without any major burning issues. We have more "major" issues in the up-coming mid-terms then have ever existed in my 7 decade lifetime. Normally, the opposition is set back one maybe two cycles. Perhaps this one could be double that! Again, an optimistic perspective.
The US is strong and can take some abuse not that it should have to but it does from time to time. The only way IMO to get back what we have lost will be when the people vote in enough people to get back to the rule of law. IE the constitution. We are a long way from that. Most of the BS in Washington only goes away when they lose their power and the states take it back.
The US is strong and can take some abuse not that it should have to but it does from time to time. The only way IMO to get back what we have lost will be when the people vote in enough people to get back to the rule of law. IE the constitution. We are a long way from that. Most of the BS in Washington only goes away when they lose their power and the states take it back.
There is almost no difference between both Parties Republican/Liberal. You take a look at what/how Congressional appointees act between each other in Public? They ACT like they oppose each other, but they back channel everything to get what give them the most money. Then see how the act when together in the Pubs Private Social Clubs in DC when they are TEE EEing and Taha Haing.

They are all the SAME looking for POWER & MONEY.

Don't fool yourselves. One Hand Washes The other.

Originally the Congress was set up to have DELIGATES from each district to only last one or two terms. It was not a FULL TIME POSITION.

They want Power FOREVER!

Now it is all about POWER. Not even the money. They (Politicians) already got all the money for several generations. Where have you seen a House of Representatives or Senator that is not a Millionaire!

The United States is currently the LONGESEST RUNNING REPUBLIC IN HISTORY!

How much longer can we last?

There was a GREAT Leader that once said :

"This is All I Have To Say"
I'm only 59 so haven't been around as long as some of you grumpy old farts but holy crap guys you whine worse than a bunch of old crows! Don't you remember your grampa complaining about that evil box they called a television. Or that wild kid they called Elvis. Or maybe for some of you that dam contraption they call the automobile!!
Young adults of today certainly are different than you were, but just because they have the ability to use technology to achieve in seconds what took who knows how much time for you to do doesn't make them bad. Just take our long range shooting for example. Because of technology developed by young forward thinking developers you have the ability to shoot 1000 yds. or more with a rifle and equipment the you can buy at the sporting goods store.
Stay young my friends! There's lots of wrong in the world, but if instead of complaing about our young people, you have a little patience and listen they might fix your cell phone for you!
Take your head out of the sand. Opt for the red pill & open your eyes. Its laughably sad that if you really think there is no difference between our generation & the present one. Wake the hell up, or suffer from your own ignorance.
I'm only 59 so haven't been around as long as some of you grumpy old farts but holy crap guys you whine worse than a bunch of old crows! Don't you remember your grampa complaining about that evil box they called a television. Or that wild kid they called Elvis. Or maybe for some of you that dam contraption they call the automobile!!
Young adults of today certainly are different than you were, but just because they have the ability to use technology to achieve in seconds what took who knows how much time for you to do doesn't make them bad. Just take our long range shooting for example. Because of technology developed by young forward thinking developers you have the ability to shoot 1000 yds. or more with a rifle and equipment the you can buy at the sporting goods store.
Stay young my friends! There's lots of wrong in the world, but if instead of complaing about our young people, you have a little patience and listen they might fix your cell phone for you!
In the last few years, people have developed a sky is falling attitude towards anything they don't approve of. People are saying its the kids that have changed when in reality it just maybe the way the older generations react. Drunk college kids on spring break should never be expected to be anything other than drunk college kids on spring break. Had they asked the same questions to college kids on spring break 30 years ago, I don't imagine the answers would have been a whole lot different. The only difference would have been the reaction by the older generations. Seems like the older generations are more affected by social media than the younger ones these days. We old people love our buzzwords and social media gave us a new buzzword - Indoctrination.
I'm only 59 so haven't been around as long as some of you grumpy old farts but holy crap guys you whine worse than a bunch of old crows! Don't you remember your grampa complaining about that evil box they called a television. Or that wild kid they called Elvis. Or maybe for some of you that dam contraption they call the automobile!!
Young adults of today certainly are different than you were, but just because they have the ability to use technology to achieve in seconds what took who knows how much time for you to do doesn't make them bad. Just take our long range shooting for example. Because of technology developed by young forward thinking developers you have the ability to shoot 1000 yds. or more with a rifle and equipment the you can buy at the sporting goods store.
Stay young my friends! There's lots of wrong in the world, but if instead of complaing about our young people, you have a little patience and listen they might fix your cell phone for you!
I don;'t think all modern generations are a problem or ??
But I do think there is a huge difference in what a large portion of today's generations that see and the knowledge they have is WAY different than say 30 yrs ago, as you brought up!
I highly doubt many kids if asked the same question back then would NOT know the answers as to today's kids
the SIMPLE things almost everyone knew in the past is NOT being learned by modern generations in again in a large amount percentage!

you take simple question that people 30 yrs ago wouldn;t even flinch on , today's generations cannot even answer, even those trying to FIGHT for rights on the subject they cannot defend!
a simple example is, WHAT IS A WOMAN!
I doubt anyone couldnl;t have answered this 30 yrs, be it a drunk kid on spring break or a child or any adult
yet today's generation cannot answer it any more!
its issue's like this we OLD FARTS have problems with, and all the more so the parents and teachers that cuddle and avoid the answers confusing folks on the subject more than they are helping answer it!
parents today are NIGHT and day different than they were generations ago, parents today cuddle kids more than ever IMO
NOT all, but many sure do
and IMO< its this, that leads to that entitlement issue so many have and effects there learning due to it, add in modern tech, and we have what we have

like it or not, there is a huge difference in common knowledge of this country as to yrs back, nothing to do with folks like Elvis car, or what ever you wish to try and compare changes too! do you really not see common sense going absent in people today as to yrs back, even at the age of 59, you should see this happening
no degree's or being 100 needed to notice this in the current population and generations IMO!

things like this are scary if you ask me and leading to a society of misfits and morons! be them educated or not!
man woman, male female, NOT a hard question to answer by folks from MY generation!


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