This post is not meant for any one person, Just my 99 cents worth about a raw nerve topic.
It's a raw nerve topic for me too! I know what these animal rights groups have in mind for us and keeping humankind out of nature is one of them. So is outlawing all animal ownership -- or whatever equivalent they can achieve! No matter how these animal rights groups try and hoodwink the public, it's all based on their hatred of mankind rather than the love of animals!
I know this probably isn't supposed to turn into a political discussion and I hope I don't get banned for this but most on this list already probably know which side is our friend and which side isn't. The point is that we must educate the American public if we're to turn this thing around.
To that end, look at the Humane Scorecard page of the HSUS:
The HSUS rates legislators by percentage. The higher percentage they give a legislator the more supportive that legislator is of the HSUS animal rights legislation. Year after year, across the board the Democrats get about 80% and the Republicans get about 20%. Considering the fact that about 60% of Americans own pets and the animal rights agenda is to end the ownership of all animals, or the equivalent, it's obvious that the animal rights groups have done quite a job of hoodwinking the American public as well as our left leaning friends!
The left tends to base their opinions on emotion rather than on the intellect, which is why the animal rights groups focus on emotional and graphic pictures and video of abuse, and why they have more support from the left than from the right. It's so maddening when I see our left leaning press and major networks promote the animal rights agenda when I know they're only buying into it because they are so emotionally gullible to believe what they are being told by these extremist groups.
I don't want to upset the left leaning friends on this list because I used to be one! I only want to educate like I was educated. You see, I used to be a registered Democrat, voted Democrat and believed all the rhetoric from the left. Once I got involved in the fight against animal rights, I got to know both Democrat and Republican politicians on a personal basis by opposing animal rights legislation in my local area as well as in my state capitol. That's when I began to see the Democrats were mostly inclined to support a utopian philosophy based on emotion and the Republicans were more inclined to support individual rights based on logic. In our own state capitol, I learned that our Democrat Senate President sent word down to all the Democrat Senators (which were in the majority) that either they vote for a HSUS written bill, or they would never get ahead in the Party! That knowledge is why I'm no longer a Democrat, nor will I ever vote for one again because of the strength of the Party and their inclination to vote based on their emotions!
That being said, I think both parties have their issues with corrupt politicians but our individual rights and freedoms are more important to those on the right than they are to those on the left.