Ok I am not a big fan of the 6.5 Creedmore

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Growing up some of the best elk country no one used a magnum, most shot 30-06 on the big end and many used a 243. The need for a magnum to kill an elk is a new thing, a Creedmore is just more of the same thing we've been filling freezers with for decades!!

After taking a LOT of guys out on elk I always want to see them bring the rifle they are most familiar with and usually they bring a deer rifle, the guys who have elk rifles are always the guys that screw the pooch!!
This is certainly true in the area I grew up in Montana. I don't know a neighboring rancher that had more than a .30-06. More shot .270's. Remember it was a pretty big deal when neighboring ranchers son bought a .300WM. We all knew about it and got to see it, some even shot it.

Seems like it is the outdoor/gun magazines and forums like this that have championed the larger .30 caliber magnums.

Elk seems to taste the same no matter what caliber and cartridge size it was harvested with.
When I see the caption to this forum I only see the vast amount of territory to cover.

Long Range hunting to me is the distances through the valley,,, A Long Range to Hunt...

The shooting part is what we own... Koodoos to those that can do what ever they want... None of my business since I look after Me... Ha...

The Web and YouTube have oodles of long-range shots by some awesome shooters,,, of course we only see the successful ones since that's what sells the idea... I can't buy into this since I have my limits...

I re-learn this every year,,, go for a slow pace jog,,, then try to free hand a gopher at 87 yards with a 22 rimfire... See what I mean... Try this same thing with a 100 meter dash on a big buck at 100 to 140 yards. LOL...

This might of worked in my 20's,,, now days I'm luck to hit a 8 foot square barn door at a 100 free hand with out the run... Ha...

My lead in F Class is an incredible hunter and shooter,,, He's a dial up guy,,, and lots of time to get it off,, he has his limits,,, along with the rest of our crew including Me...

My guess is that the majority of shooters that visit this forum know their limits,,, I'd bet a small sum that ethical shooting is at the top of the list...

The best way to find out is start a thread to find out...

It was said loooooong ago that the majority of shots taken on game range from 40 to 140 yards,,, 87 ish % are taken under the 140... Purhaps the line has shifted over the years,,, would it be 200,,, maybe 220 / 240 ish... Beyond that with a good set-up and a well planted rifle...

Let's not forget a few things,,, sometimes the 1 Gun shooter that shoots 1 kind of boolit and load is more likely to reach out there where most folks call it quits...

Hopefully I fall back into this in my years ahead.

Like the old guy said... Fear the 1 man that only shoots 1 gun all the time... They know their iron and they play for keeps...
I'm nobody to fear neither is my son but we both shot one gun for years (his was a .260, mine a 6.5-284). We used them for ground hogs in Ohio shooting hogs from 250 to over 1000 yards with the same bullets we used for deer. We figured if we could make shots on these Ghogs at those ranges on the first shot, deer were easy. Well, we were right. Made our shots on deer, chip shots. We definitely had to be selective on certain days when mother nature came into the picture. Using our deer rifles on those ground hog shoots really paid off. You learn to range and shoot instinctively without needing to look at drop cards because so much shooting, drop data is etched in your memory and becomes like turning the turn signal on your truck when turning a corner. It's really that easy. Since not using that rifle nearly as much, my new deer rifle is almost identical in drop so it makes it pretty easy still.
We have a poster on the wall of our club house since the Great Firearm / Cartridge debate has gone to far at times...

I think it was posted in 1962/64 when a new cartridge showed up at the range,,, it reads like this...

"""Beginners talk about guns,,, the Novice talk about Cartridges and Calibers,,, the Pros talk about Wind."""

All of us can come up with examples of what works,,, and what dose not... There are fualts in this cartridge,,, fualts with these boolitz,,, fualts with this gun,,, and that set-up... Of course there are positives in the mix of things...

How come the 243 is no good when a grown man wants to buy one to go hunting medium to large game,,, yet the majority of shooters will direct a Gal to buy one if she's going hunting...

Its not good enough for a grown Man yet its OK for the Women,,, strange how this works...

Example might be,,, our best friend is going hunting with us,,, you have 3 rifles for him to try,,, his groups are all over the map with the big bore,,, not to bad with the mid range unit,,, and he's driving tacks with the smallest of legal units that will work for the hunt...

The question is,,, what gun are you letting him bring on the hunt ???

Now the noodle gets thinking on other things then the rifle / cartridge / caliber,,, what gap needs to be closed to fill the tag,,, will the weather conditions be favorable,,, are the both of us up for the challange,,, and what's the back up plan if the critter bolts after taking a hit...

Its been known that some of the best hits that weren't so,,, are not what the shooter thought was going to happen,,, this """could or possible chance""" might happen with the largest of rifles or the smallest,,, external factors could play a part in this to be determined by the critter it's self...

The Great debate will continue for many years to come,,, the next new fangled wizz banger will spark debate,,, the masses will aline on each side of the fence as some of us try to balance on the thin wire that separates the 2 groups...

Optimist, pessimist, realist. That's not saying there aren't other camp fires burning in the distance either...

Oh well,,, the day is just getting started up here,,, big blue skies with a light wind from the WW/N drifting EE/S with small twigs on the trees setting the stage for a 3 to 5 mpr sporadic breaks between the shots,,, looks like about .5 or .75 MOA dial to the left for the 700 metre shot this morning... Did I bring enough gun to harvest the target,,, will it take the boolit I selected,,, what odds am I up against this morning when the shooting bell rings...

Is today the day I'm the first out of the gate with a hit in the 7" gong,,, or do I have to shoot many more follow up shots to find out the whole day is disappointing since we are our own spotters for this match...

I sure hope my re-loads don't let me down. Ha

Cheers from the North
^^^ X's 2.

Happy emoji face. Ha.

I enjoy this thread,,, I know it gets me thinking too much...

I'll blame my North Carolina friend, "Homeless Dan somewhere in the Americas."

The stresses of getting old and all the pretty girls with big guns. LOL
The 6.5 Creedmoor has contributed 3 elk in my freezer from 250 yards to 398 yards. All DRT without taking a step. If you do not have real world experience with a cartridge why do you bash it?
Who says I don't have real world experience with it? Lol. I bought one for my 11 yr old son a couple years ago. I own a 260 rem. The creed doesn't offer anything over the 260 or the 6.5x55. I thought it went better with my son's flat bill and skinny jeans.

Also something to note - I am a huge fan of the 6.5 bullets, you obviously haven't been around much or you would see me defending these little cartridges for elk hunting.

I can't believe this thread is still going...let it die!
The stresses of getting old and all the pretty girls with big guns.

Ah yes. Stress, getting old, and pretty girls. Well from my experience there is good and bad stress. Bad stress is when some wadi bashes 6.5CM's. Good stress is when I see a pretty girl with a gun and realize I am not too old to enjoy it. By the way it is a proven fact that girls with rifles chambered in 6.5 mm cartridges are more attractive than those that have some other kind. I read the results of the study....just don't remember when or where I read it. Ah well.
Ah yes. Stress, getting old, and pretty girls. Well from my experience there is good and bad stress. Bad stress is when some wadi bashes 6.5CM's. Good stress is when I see a pretty girl with a gun and realize I am not too old to enjoy it. By the way it is a proven fact that girls with rifles chambered in 6.5 mm cartridges are more attractive than those that have some other kind. I read the results of the study....just don't remember when or where I read it. Ah well.
Girls are more attractive with ANY caliber in there arms.
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Ha,,, yes,,, I like to find pretty gals with big guns...

There's a good write up on External Ballistics forum about the 6.5's,,, it goes with reason to close the gap between furry critters and the unit performing the task,,, this not only applies to the 6's & 65's,,, also other cartridges that are limited in performance...

That brings up another question,,, what are these performance, and where are these limiting factors,,, my guess,,, and guess only is the size of the critter,,, the terrain and distance along with the shooter if they have time to set-up for the shot,,, or is it one of those fast speeding moments I life were things happen faster than the brain. LOL... More so in my case since thinking is sometimes at the bottom of my list...

Limiting Performance could be any number of factors that contribute to how the theatre is going to play out,,, the best thing that covers this is being there in the moment,,, and expecting the un-expected,,, its sure nice when things happen with in our grasp,,, """the closer the better let's say..."""

All of us have had things play out were distance is to far,,, the tall grass doesn't allow for the back pack or bypods,,, fast winds and dam thick timber to even attempt a shot,,, this is ok in my books as I shut it down,,, ain't worth my time to make extra work I don't need,,, purhaps this is where I draw my line in the sand...

I've shut down many thoughts when I'm packing my 30/06,,, 308,,, and my bow... The line past that point dictates a go or no go...

Many of us on this fourm and in general have seen both sides of a well structured hunt,,, and the rodeo side of it once or twice,,, hopefully we learned something along the way,,, I know I have...

This is just a small take in my limited world of hunting and shooting sports,,, alway more wrong then right,,, and in the """majority""" of situations,,, things have worked out...

Knock on plastic since wood is becoming hard to find,,, I had a nice Deer bolt on me that I didn't find till the next day,,, it was a good shot on top of that...

The boolit hole went threw the magic zone between the lungs and hart as I missed all the major vitals,,, mostly that is... Had I been shooting a 30 or 338 that day I would of put that hunt to a rest instantly,,, I haven't shot anything smaller than a 30 cal since... Not at critters that is...

This is about to change this year,,, I'm going to give a long case 6.5 a try,,, the time has come to put the loooooong ago past behind me and step up my game plan...

Limiting factors and performance will be my guide,,, that and the idea to turn it off if the X's don't all line up...

Being able to put on the brakes is a good thing in my books... From the old days of 375 on down to the Bean shooters. Ha
I find it funny that a hunter toting a 44 mag or even a 10mm pistol has the ability to anchor very large game with velocities and energies on impact much lower than any 6mm offers. Nobody beats up on them. I watched many times where guys using the Glock 10mm to hunt Cape Buffalo. First shot was lethal but the second finished putting him down. 35-50 yard shots. Energy roughly around 500-600 ft lbs on impact. Velocities around 1000-1100 fps. I put little emphasis on what people think. I know mine and my rifle/ pistols capability. That hasn't EVER let me down.
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I find it funny that a hunter toting a 44 mag or even a 10mm pistol has the ability to anchor very large game with velocities and energies on impact much lower than any 6mm offers. Nobody beats up in them. I watched many times where guys using the Glock 10mm to hunt Cape Buffalo. First shot was lethal but the second finished putting him down. 35-50 yard shots. Energy roughly around 500-600 ft lbs on impact. Velocities around 1000-1100 fps. I put little emphasis on what people think. I know mine and my rifle/ pistols capability. That hasn't EVER let me down.
That's exactly what it boils down to! Know your rifle and who cares what everyone else thinks.
That's exactly what it boils down to! Know your rifle and who cares what everyone else thinks.

Excellent. I knew somebody would do it eventually.

So you're saying that ethics no longer should apply as a blanket standard for all hunters? The same hunters who have hunting and firearm right under attack daily because were viewed as moral degenerates?

Just asking.
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