New Rifle Recommendations -- Help me!!

I am COMPLETELY happy with my Weatherby Ultralight rifle. Purchased used about 8 years ago for $1200.00. My rifle is chambered in .270 Win and Is my Number One "go to" Whitetail deer rifle. 5 and 3/4 pound rifle with a full 24 inch Krieger S/S Fluted barrel. .550 at the muzzle . Kevlar stock. new they run about $2200.00. I have a great Whitetail deer load based on H 48341 with 130 Grn Nosler Ballistic Tips. at a bit over 3000 fps , it destroys hearts and lungs completely on deer hit between 100 and 150 yards. Leupold VX3 2.5X to 8X weighs about 12 ounces. On occasion I change it and put on a VX3 4.5X to 14 X if I think I will shooting extended ranges. So far , not really needed. I had the stock Hydro Dipped and made Snow Cammo,( for no good reason) . Shoots deer on Television real good too!!!! Take the time to look at one for yourself.


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Well sir, I was in fact a sniper in the US Army for a number of years, and I can tell you without question that most of what you typed here is a pile of crap. If you believe anybody "verified" any kills, or that there has ever actually been a "confirmed kill", then you've been victim to the propaganda machine. If you read Hathcock's book and found him believable, you lost. That dude was created when the war became very unpopular. They have been doing this forever, think also Alvin York, Audie Murphy, and Chris Kyle. Albert F Waldron III was by all accounts a more successful sniper in Vietnam, as were several others including John Plaster (maybe), but none of them could stand in a room and tell a yarn ala Davy Crocket the way that Hatchcock could. When America needs a hero, the department of defense creates them one. He's usually a good looking "aw shucks" southern boy who can spin a yarn on demand. There is a big difference in what a civilian with an unlimited budget and sponsors and focus can accomplish today with specialized gear (think ELR), and what equipment can survive deploying into a combat zone made by the lowest bidder on the back of an individual or team of snipers, (or sharpshooters, since the prior term hasn't been in use for all of the people we are discussing). I hate to be the one to break the news to you, but Santa Claus isn't real, and neither is a confirmed kill, or most of the other crap you believe about snipers.
I'll apologize to some folks in advance here, and you can throw me off the forum too, but I officially question YOU'RE integrity. I served 25 years in the US ARMY and have met some folks that ARE snipers and some that CLAIM to be. I've seen what they can do first hand in battles across the globe. Creedmore and Camp Perry aren't anecdotal.
To the original poster: Buy a custom rifle (as others have said already) if you can afford it. If you can't, buy a top grade custom barrel. Figure it out from there. Buy a donor rifle that you can screw the barrel onto. Another idea (A bit more expensive than the donor rifle plan; but less than a custom rifle) would be to buy an action. Not necessarily a custom action. Get a trigger to your liking, a stock or chassis to your liking, etc. regardless, get a custom barrel rather than going with the factory barrel.
-just my two cents worth.
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