Help me identify this rifle

.....With that straight stock, light weight, and Steele butt plate, it kicked like a mad mule; especially with the 220 grain corelokts that he bought at the local store!! :eek:.......

Cut my teeth on 220 corelockts, maybe even chipped a couple. Never had to alibi the results though.

4X Unertl I wish I had back.
Take a look on eBay for a cheap used Leupold. No point in putting a brand new scope on a beat up old rifle. I have many beat up Leupolds on my rifles, and they all shoot great, even the ones from the 90's. I like the 2x7 compacts, because they are so light, and I've made shots to 340 yards using them. Don't need more for normal hunting. Even a straight 4x scope would work. I killed a few deer using them.
I have my wife's grandfather's Remington 721 in .30-06.
First time I shot it, from a bench, by the third shot I was tearing up. Wrapped an old mattress corner around the butt, but same issue.
The only good thing was all holes cutting each other at 100 yds.
I took an E.G. Bishop HUNK of a partially inlet stock, and custom carved it to my liking. The new stock, (by it's design, not my carving) made the felt recoil all but disappear.
Bottom line is that it has been a killing machine that I can now shoot all day comfortably, so my call is to get a better stock and scope it...if it is a shooter already.
morning, the pine box stock on the rifle is good kindling.
I had a custom 721 30-06. H&S stock, timney trigger. would
shoot tight 1" groups. could not understand why the
rifle kicked like a mule. justme gbot tum
Low comb stock. All the energy in the top 1 inch under collar bone joint. My pops won't touch my old 7mm rem mag but he'll shoot his 300 ultra all day long. Actually got him to shoot it twice before he called me a no good s.o.b.
Right on the money, JimmyCP!
It's been 35+ years since that "stock" stock was on that 721, but I think I can still feel it exactly where you said...
Remington 722 short action in .222, not the 721.


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