New reloader powders RL-23 and RL-26

So is the burn rate of RL26 supposed to be the same as RL25, just temp stable? Or is 26 supposed to be slightly slower as well?
So is the burn rate of RL26 supposed to be the same as RL25, just temp stable? Or is 26 supposed to be slightly slower as well?

I'm not exactly sure, my guess is that it is a little slower but still pretty darn close. In the daily bulletin article over at accurate shooter they said not to compare RL-23 to RL-22 or RL-26 to RL-25, the made a point of stressing that they are totally different powders.
I'm not exactly sure, my guess is that it is a little slower but still pretty darn close. In the daily bulletin article over at accurate shooter they said not to compare RL-23 to RL-22 or RL-26 to RL-25, the made a point of stressing that they are totally different powders.

Ok, thanks for the info.
Thank You Skyking. That answers alot. I finally received an answer from them and it was very cryptic. I have not been in the reloading all that long and moving to the slower powders is new . I was trying to find out how comparable 26 was to Retumbo, since that is the powder that people have had the best results with in the .270wsm with the heavy for caliber bullets.
Here is the burn rates for these powders, Per QL program,

Fastest to slowest order,
RL-17 =4700
RL-19 =4500
H-4831 =4301
RL-23 =4090
Rl-22 =3860
Imr-7828 =3841
RL-25 =3840
H-1000 =3660
RL-26 =3397
Retumbo =3370
Norma 217 =2889
RL-33 =2670
RL-50 =2170

I am interested in RL 26. Does anyone have a can on hand? Where does it say it is made? Does it look like Bufors RL-25? Does is burn as dirty as RL-25? RL-17 is Swiss made. Blackhawk was so impressed with the Swiss RL-17 that they brought the chemists over here (St Marks, Florida) to make the 4000MR, 2000MR, series of ball powders. Unfortunately the ball powders are not so amazing.
I am interested in RL 26. Does anyone have a can on hand? Where does it say it is made?

It is Swiss. I ran a test run with my 300win and 200 Sierra's and she burned rather clean, but the accuracy wasn't there at all until I was at top charge.... This is normal for this rifle though (the rifle shoots best with mid weight bullets); I'll have to push it in both of my rums to see how good it really is.
I have tried some, RL-26 in a .300 Win Mag. 26" Bartlein 1-9" twist barrel. Berger 215 hybrid loaded to 3.720" OAL. 75gr of the RL-26 produced an average of 2999 FPS with an SD of 6 FPS IIRC. Chronograph was an Oehler 35P. Still working on getting it to group well (struggling to hold 1MOA right now), but I think this is a bedding issue and not a load issue.
I just recently got some Reloader 26. I have a Rem 700 Sendero 7mm Rem Mag.
I put 69 gr behind a 162 A-Max with Winchester mag primers. Chronographed it at 3020 fps.
I didn't see any pressure signs so went up to 70gr chronographed 3071 fps.
Got 18 loaded @ 69gr waiting for a good day to check at the range.
I have been trying RL 23 in my 300 WM for a few months using Berger 190 VLDs. The Magneto V3 crono shows average of 3040 fps with 74.7 gr RL23, Norma brass and WLRM primers and 60F weather. With COAL of 3.590 and that load I'm getting 1/2 MOA at 200 yds from Bartlein 24" barrel with 11.25 twist. Still working on load development but if I back off that muzzle velocity significantly, my groups open up. No signs of over pressure with loads to 75.0 gr but with different SD of between 10-20 fps for different load make ups, the measured velocities over predicted max of 3005 fps start to make me nervous.

Two points I thought might be of interest: 1) I observed about 30 fps change when going for 35F to 60F shooting conditions so I will continue to check for temp stability as summer advances. And 2), at least in my rifle both RL22 and RL 23 seem to run hot and I need to back off published maximum loads so working up a load is a must for me with these powders.
I asked alliant if they had any new data amd got a rude no look at the website. Hate to say but your website doesnt have the powders listed that you have data for.
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