New reloader powders RL-23 and RL-26

Worked up an accurate load in a 26" 25-06ai with RE23 and a 100g Nosler, the Alliant site lists 54.2 in the regular 25-06 produces 3306fps. The highest I went was 58g in the imp version and got 3390 with a single digit spread over 8 shots yesterday, temp was around 30deg and I plan on trying it once it warms up some. Velocity was a little lower than what I was expecting but accuracy was very good.
Worked up an accurate load in a 26" 25-06ai with RE23 and a 100g Nosler, the Alliant site lists 54.2 in the regular 25-06 produces 3306fps. The highest I went was 58g in the imp version and got 3390 with a single digit spread over 8 shots yesterday, temp was around 30deg and I plan on trying it once it warms up some. Velocity was a little lower than what I was expecting but accuracy was very good.

My Sendero 25-06AI has always given good velocities with RL 25 for bullets of 115gr and up, so I want to try RL26 and the case allows the higher charge wts the slower powder needs.
I can't find the load data sheets for these powders. Could someone post the links please.
The only data they had for a .300 win mag with 215's was RL-23 and RL-26. My local store here has a ton of it in stock along with all of the other RL powders, must just be a difference in areas.
The only data they had for a .300 win mag with 215's was RL-23 and RL-26. My local store here has a ton of it in stock along with all of the other RL powders, must just be a difference in areas.

Thanks, I do see the load for the 215 hybrid now. But when you click either of the links for 23 or 26, it just goes to their homepage. Overall I just think it's odd that they are selling the powder, but not advertising it on their website.
Thanks, I do see the load for the 215 hybrid now. But when you click either of the links for 23 or 26, it just goes to their homepage. Overall I just think it's odd that they are selling the powder, but not advertising it on their website.

I must be blanking it out. Please post the link.
they are also showing the 300win with a 24" bbl... you could likely get over 2900 fps with ease in a 26" or longer bbl.

That would put it within 100 fps of what broz (he's said he's close to 3,000 fps in a 300win with a 215) and some of the other guys are getting using a standard oal cartridge and a book load. I may have to get some 215's and play if that is the case...
You're welcome. Once I figured out where the powder guide was on there website, I just followed through their powder guide pages to .300 win mag then to the 215's and it was right there.

I just got done firing a few through a chrono, 215's over 76gr of RL-26 with a 3.7 OAL. Average velocity was 2990 FPS, which isn't too bad considering I'm running a 26" barrel. ES was about 20 so I need to play around a little more. Its looking good, just waiting for scope rings to do some accuracy tests.
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It looks like ??-Nosler starting loads will be 300WM or 7STW max loads.

Pretty cool stuff. Now I have to remember which store I saw it in and get some.
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