For what it is worth ...
We had them both when I worked in a machine shop in the 1980s; we also have a few German made that I cannot remember the brand. Our CEO's father was a retired German metallurgist, and he gave his WWII tools to the company for us to use.As a machinist for over 40 years I like Brown & Sharp much better than Mitayoyo. and I like dial better than digital The ones with the black dial face I have a set that are 35 years old and they still work fine!
Yeah as long as the digital readout don't keep changing on its own. Lol I have used these new calipers and this is what a fine instrument is supposed to be.@6.5x300 WBY enjoy your investment; I am sure it is going to serve you well for many years to come. There is no need to complicate it unnecessarily. At the end of the day a caliper is designed to measure tolerances in +/- .xxx (.001") and micrometer +/- .xxxx (.0001"). Cheers!
Lufkin?We had them both when I worked in a machine shop in the 1980s; we also have a few German made that I cannot remember the brand. Our CEO's father was a retired German metallurgist, and he gave his WWII tools to the company for us to use.
Yeah no dropping and I drop a lot of stuff. Wouldn't think it would take kindly to that abuseRemember that the electronics do not like being dropped on concrete floors, mics especially.
Micrometers are to be used on the fine work.