New Antelope rifle arrived today !

That ones a jewel. Heres mine. Like GREEN


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I've been debating between a 257 or 270wby myself. Can't decide!
Once I saw the 131 Ace Blackjack bullets in the .257 caliber, it made my decision for an antelope rifle simple. My plan was for a 6.5-284 running the 140s. After seeing the 131s and looking at the numbers, the decision was made for me. 25-284 was my new Antelope rifle. Now with berger coming out with the 133/135 bullet and Sierra introducing the 110 TGK bullets doesn't hurt the decision either
It's been my experience in hunting Antelope that Accuracy and bullet placement was the deciding factor. The bucks aren't that big, but you you want to impart as much energy as you can to get the bang flop DRT. I've seen the super guns with high BC bullets not even make them flinch and run off. Even a bad hit with a 300 gr match bullet out of a 338-378 W where the poor buck hobbled and tried to go for a period of time on a 800 yrd shot. I felt sad and discussed.

I have used my target 243win with 100 gr, 257 roberts AI 100 gr TTSX with great success. My buddy uses a 6mm-06 with a 28 inch. my two are just 26 inchers.

My buddy has a mounted Boone and Crocket 86 point Nevada antelope taken while we scouted for 4 days to get the biggest one with a 25-06 that I had loaded with the older 100 gr barnes X

It's really bench rest shooting 100's of rounds way before and tall Harris bipods and waiting for the classic broad side shot:)

My longest verified lasered buck was 428 yards
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