New Antelope rifle arrived today !

Tempted to put a brake on it but as little I'm going to shoot it, guess I'll leave it alone. If I ever sell it the brake will hurt the value
Bought this rifle for a Texas Nilgai Bull hunt.
Ready for business.

I don't know where Wby is sourcing their blanks, but the past 4 or 5 years every new deluxe I have seen has had that quality wood. Absolutely beautiful Sir! A little RL22 is pushing 110gr Accubonds out of my Ultra Lightweight at 3520 and puts 3 holes inside a 3" circle at 400. Mine came with the Accubrake and was a Factory Second. I have never been able to find the blem. I never would have put a brake on the .257, but after shooting it, I never take it off. I love them Mark Vs.
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