NEW 270 Winchester Brass for my new Savage axis II overwatch.

H4350 works well in the 270 win, but in my opinion H4831SC is better. Velocity of both is acceptable, but 200-300 FPS under the RL 26.
I solely use ADI2213sc which is your H4831SC in my 270 with 130gr SST's.
Good combo but the SST's do fragment when hitting bone.

@Starlite sorry, wouldnt touch Winchester brass with a 10ft pole, I have heard so many bad things about it over years of perousing forums, others might swear by it but there is way better out there if you want to spend more.
Hornady brass has served me well which was derived from factory rounds but if I was starting from scratch I wouldnt hesitate to use Norma.
If Lapua made 270W brass Id choose that over anything as I think its the best brass in the world.
As Aushunter and others have said I would first try H4831SC and work up a good load that your rifle likes. RL23 gives me almost identical velocities with slightly less powder but it doesn't give me the same accuracy as H4831SC. RL26 is the speed demon of the powders with 150's, but once again it doesn't top H4831SC for accuracy and day to day, year round consistency in any of my rifles.
I solely use ADI2213sc which is your H4831SC in my 270 with 130gr SST's.
Good combo but the SST's do fragment when hitting bone.

@Starlite sorry, wouldnt touch Winchester brass with a 10ft pole, I have heard so many bad things about it over years of perousing forums, others might swear by it but there is way better out there if you want to spend more.
Hornady brass has served me well which was derived from factory rounds but if I was starting from scratch I wouldnt hesitate to use Norma.
If Lapua made 270W brass Id choose that over anything as I think its the best brass in the world.
That's what I've come to realize now that I've been reading around the web. I think I'm going to buy some once fired Nosler. Those Winchester that I've loaded will be my break-in ammo.
Thankx for your posts.
:oops:I had a problem with Winchester brass. It had WIN only the head stamp. Not Winchester fully spelled out. 22-250 brass was not happy with the quality . My old Winchester brass :oops: has always been good.
Winchester brass can work well, but as you have found it requires a LOT of prep work.

As already stated, use a primer pocket uniformer on all of them. I do this for any brand of brass.
Also, debur the flash holes. You WILL find a nasty burr inside each of them from where the flash hole is punched.
Using a Lee collet you can easily round-out the necks just by introducing the collet. Of course, you can size them at the same time if you wish.

Despite the 3 steps above you will probably still have some throw-away brass.
Winchester brass can work well, but as you have found it requires a LOT of prep work.

As already stated, use a primer pocket uniformer on all of them. I do this for any brand of brass.
Also, debur the flash holes. You WILL find a nasty burr inside each of them from where the flash hole is punched.
Using a Lee collet you can easily round-out the necks just by introducing the collet. Of course, you can size them at the same time if you wish.

Despite the 3 steps above you will probably still have some throw-away brass.
Great advice. Thankx. Normally I prep all flash holes. I had made my mind up that I wouldn't only because I was only taking this brass to 300M. Seeing how this is definitely not going to be much more then breaking in brass and for some general velocity numbers it's not getting anything else.
as someone had noted, Peterson is now making brass. As to is Sig Sauer. Anyone have experience with SS brass?
So. I'm on vacation; traveling with our 5th wheel all around Nova Scotia Canada. Happened to see that a Cabela's was in my first rest area. Naturally I'd need something for the 5th wheel;)
Off I Went looking for brass. All they had was a wall full of Winchester. No Hornady other then triple Duce. No other brands seen. Wondering if everyone is aware that their brass has significantly fallen from the quality pile; all the way to the poo pile in my opinion. Of course I went looking for the unicorn's (4831sc or any RL powder). None seen again. However, I did find some 130gr Nosler Partition Spitzer & 110gr Barnes TTSX BTs;)
So. I'm on vacation; traveling with our 5th wheel all around Nova Scotia Canada. Happened to see that a Cabela's was in my first rest area. Naturally I'd need something for the 5th wheel;)
Off I Went looking for brass. All they had was a wall full of Winchester. No Hornady other then triple Duce. No other brands seen. Wondering if everyone is aware that their brass has significantly fallen from the quality pile; all the way to the poo pile in my opinion. Of course I went looking for the unicorn's (4831sc or any RL powder). None seen again. However, I did find some 130gr Nosler Partition Spitzer & 110gr Barnes TTSX BTs;)
The 110TTSX is awesome out of the 270WIN. As for the has taken a dive in the last 5 years or so, but as long as it has been in the bag of 50 it has not been great. It almost seems like if it is rejected for loaded ammo it gets dropped in a reloaders bag. That said, it is light and gives good velocity. If you sort it and load it twice it will make great hunting brass you can eject and let go back to the earth. For black bears most any bullet from the 270 will put them to sleep pretty fast. I like 140 Sierra HPBT Gamekings and 140 Nosler Accubonds. They open quick enough to let the air out of a 150 pounder, but have enough hang -together to push through a really big boar if one shows up.
The 110TTSX is awesome out of the 270WIN. As for the has taken a dive in the last 5 years or so, but as long as it has been in the bag of 50 it has not been great. It almost seems like if it is rejected for loaded ammo it gets dropped in a reloaders bag. That said, it is light and gives good velocity. If you sort it and load it twice it will make great hunting brass you can eject and let go back to the earth. For black bears most any bullet from the 270 will put them to sleep pretty fast. I like 140 Sierra HPBT Gamekings and 140 Nosler Accubonds. They open quick enough to let the air out of a 150 pounder, but have enough hang -together to push through a really big boar if one shows up.
I was thinking of a RN bullet that I think of it I haven't seen any.277 RNs about. Plus I didn't measure the twist of this rifle.
anyone have that information on the 270 overwatch with the 20" tube?
I doubt you would be able to stabilize any thing over a 150 and with the short barrel your velocity will suffer with the heavies a 140 would be a good all around weight unless you want to shoot monos this is just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions
I doubt you would be able to stabilize any thing over a 150 and with the short barrel your velocity will suffer with the heavies a 140 would be a good all around weight unless you want to shoot monos this is just my opinion and you know what they say about opinions
I do love shooting monos. The GMX have shot well out of my 6.5CM SAKO finnlight with a stainless 20" barrel. A few years back I dropped a big 200lbs Black bear with a GMX. Put it right in his ear; DRT.
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