NEW 270 Winchester Brass for my new Savage axis II overwatch.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2019
New Brunswick Canada
So, got a pleasant surprise last evening. Id won a new rifle; Savage axis II Overwatch, plus an in-store credit at our from our local Gun dealer. As a frequent supporter of many of our local clubs, I often wondered if I'd ever win...wouldn't you know it, when I least expected it I did. Ironically from an association I have little interest in doing...trapping. Yep the trappers association drew my ticket. Best $50 I've spent this Covid year (so far)...
Now that I have that exciting news out of the way I'd like to Get some feedback. With the store credit I was able to buy supplies to reload my own cartridges. In my excitement to get started I decided to get Winchester Brass. (actually was the only brass in 270win) This is something that I wouldn't generally do but...I was eager to load.
My first impressions, I must admit are POOR CRAFTSMANSHIP. Worse then Hornady. If that quantifies anything. Generally I would buy Lapua, Peterson or Alpha as my top3. This Brass came in 2 fifty packs ( loose brass in plastic bags ). About 30 % had deformed necks which I'll let slide as Winchester can't control how they'll be handled. I'm even willing to look the other way on the appearance ; every single piece has this speckled brown look. Where I get angry is the primer pockets. (As I have little control over this area) The fitment is all over the spectrum. Loose to where I'm thinking I'll get 1 load to super tight.....will I get it out again. This is my first time experiencing this with new brass. Is this normal for Winchester 270 brass? Is this worth my time even loading. Should I contact Winchester or just load and go and see what happens.
Also I'd like to have some input as to what projectiles to consider for this 20" barrel. I picked up some 130gr SSTs and 145gr ELD-X (again this is what was available). I do like Hornady pills but recently have been liking the Berger elite hunter in my 6.5CM.
I also should note that this rifle will be my dedicated Bear gun and perhaps moose if I ever draw a tag to hunt one. ( would have much preferred to win that to be perfectly honest). In either case I'll likely never have a target beyond 300m. As of today it's optic is a Sig Sauer BDX 3.5-10x42...THOUGHTS on this setup are welcomed too. However I'd mostly like to hear about your experiences with Winchester 270 brass.
Thankx All.
I loaded for several axis rifles. None were 270 win so I cant help you there. The only 270 cal Ive loaded for was a 270 wsm. For what it is, the axis is one of the best bargains out there. Ive heard serveral folks say they had a hard time getting the 145 eld x to shoot. I do like hornady bullets very much. 140 accubonds have had a good reputation for accuracy in 270s. I would think your best accuracy would probably come from a berger 140 gr and below. If it were me, I would give the 135 berger classic hunter a try.
I loaded for several axis rifles. None were 270 win so I cant help you there. The only 270 cal Ive loaded for was a 270 wsm. For what it is, the axis is one of the best bargains out there. Ive heard serveral folks say they had a hard time getting the 145 eld x to shoot. I do like hornady bullets very much. 140 accubonds have had a good reputation for accuracy in 270s. I would think your best accuracy would probably come from a berger 140 gr and below. If it were me, I would give the 135 berger classic hunter a try.
Thankx for the response. Much appreciated. In your loading experience have you ever had new bread with such loose tolerances as I'm feeling with this brass. I'm assuming it's not the federal primers as their from the same box and lot of which I've used 3-4Hnd.
i wasn't aware of the popularity of the Berger with the 270. I'll be getting some soon.
I would look at buying peterson brass or norma to start with the powders that I have found that always work well with the 270 are RL 23, hybrid 100v or H 4831sc and I try to shoot sierra 140 gamekings or berger 150 you should find a combo in there that will work good Rl 23 gives the best velocity in any I have loaded
I use Winchester brass in my 270 and it seems to be pretty good. I always prep like crazy to make everything uniform and resize before I load. I think you will be ok with your choices. I've shot the eldx over imr 4350 and it shoots great. I'm currently working on 140 Sierra gamechanger and rl 16 for mine. I'm looking to find a good load that shoots the 140 at 3000 accurately. Best wishes and congrats
I would look at buying peterson brass or norma to start with the powders that I have found that always work well with the 270 are RL 23, hybrid 100v or H 4831sc and I try to shoot sierra 140 gamekings or berger 150 you should find a combo in there that will work good Rl 23 gives the best velocity in any I have loaded
Thankx for the replay. Finding RL powder in my Canadian province is very difficult. I do have Hybrid 100V so I will load that.
Last night I loaded 10 EACH 130gr SST with Staball 6.5 & H4350. I also have some VV N-160 which will likely work with the 130-160gr pills.
I do have some superformance powder and thought it might work with the lighter 95-120gr pills. Not sure on this powder though.
I use Winchester brass in my 270 and it seems to be pretty good. I always prep like crazy to make everything uniform and resize before I load. I think you will be ok with your choices. I've shot the eldx over imr 4350 and it shoots great. I'm currently working on 140 Sierra gamechanger and rl 16 for mine. I'm looking to find a good load that shoots the 140 at 3000 accurately. Best wishes and congrats
Thankx for your kind words and reply. I live the 140SMK IN my 6.5CM bergara.
if you'd like I can share my loads here. I'll be trialling plenty and LabRadar will be used for all.
Thankx for the response. Much appreciated. In your loading experience have you ever had new bread with such loose tolerances as I'm feeling with this brass. I'm assuming it's not the federal primers as their from the same box and lot of which I've used 3-4Hnd.
i wasn't aware of the popularity of the Berger with the 270. I'll be getting some soon.
I never had primer pocket to vary as much as you are seeing but I would guess its your brass and not the primers. I dont particularly like winchester brass due to some I had being very inconsistant in size & weight.
I have used remington and winchester brass and went through all the prep but i usually dont do that anymore. I dont particularly like doing a lot of prep work so I usually pay more to buy premium brass.
Yeah its really bad when you do all the prep work and get only two or three loads out of it really makes good brass worth the money
I have used remington and winchester brass and went through all the prep but i usually dont do that anymore. I dont particularly like doing a lot of prep work so I usually pay more to buy premium brass.
I'm not opposed to it. Just don't think any new brass should need this much care. And 2 pieces (1%) have split necks already. Not really instilling conference.
I see. Maybe I'll just use this brass for break-in.
It would probably be fine for that. If I ever do buy the more affordable brass, its usually federal. I dont buy hornady brass much but it actually shoots pretty good. The primer pockets get loose on hornady a little quicker than some of the more expensive brass.
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