Need Suggestions For Picking Reloading Equipment

I always thought those little plastic cups that came with Lee die sets were for putting batter on a cookie sheet to make very small cookies......:)

I see no ther use for them.....

Cute but far as I'm concerned, worthless.

Never been a fan of turrett presses with 'automatic' powder dispensers simply because of metering inaccuracies with different shapes of extruded powders. I see nothing automatic about non-uniform powder dispensing.

dipping coffee grounds accurately? Making the perfect martini?
The equipment i have is from all reloading manufactures. I like lee dies. I load for 14 different calibers.
Flash-very nice setup. I'm in the process of trying to get my act together to start reloading. Where did you your table. Like that setup.
I've been reading for weeks trying to figure out what I need to get started reloading. I'll be reloading for a 6.5x284. Just got my Frozter CoAx prss in. Now I need to firgure what else is quality and get setup. Looks like you've been doing this for some time. Would you mind providing yoru opinion on some good tools and dies to go wtih the Forster?
I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!
I built the bench. Just knew what I wanted and went at it. Not hard to do, I built the shelves first then attached the uprights and steel straps across the top. Even the rug plays a role making it self leveling on the basement floor. It's very solid.

Here are some hand tools that you might consider. I use these a lot.

I use the drill press and a Lee 3-Jaw Chuck on rifle brass for cleaning the case and trimming to length with the Lee Case Length Gage.

Here's a close up.

Here's another station I use. I really like that scale for load development. Once developed I use Lee Dipper Cups. On the left, I store primers in the short grey box and powder in the larger box.

Flash Thank you very much for the clear explanation and detail. Could you tell me what scale that is in the last photo?

Thanks again
You have a keen eye. That's an RCBS model 108. Excellent scale with the dial feature. RCBS discontinued them several years ago. I believe it was made by Ohaus. The RCBS version comes available on eBay every now and then but always sell for a premium. I bought mine 16 years ago for $100. You can sometimes find them with the Ohaus name on them. The trick is to get one graduated in grains, not grams.
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