Need advice on "painting" camo design on synthetic stock

Hey everyone,
I am new to this forum, and would like to ask anyone, if they have repainted a synthetic stock. I have a HS precision stocked rifle, that is plain flat black. I would like to try using some method of "dabbing" some colors with a sponge, or using some medium to upgrade to some other color without sending to someone who specializes in this.
Trust me, I am not trying to do this on a budget, just thought there may be a way to do myself. Is there paint that is recommended that will not peel or chip off?
Any ideas ?
Thanks for all your input, and have a great weekend !!!!!!!
Rob in MO
For what it's worth, Mossy Oak sells a kit made from that formable vinyl. When you go around curves, you use your wife's hair dryer. A little heat and the vinyl acts like shrink wrap. It adheres very well and the stuff is tuff as nails.
Step 1, sand whole stock.
Step 2, clean with acetone to remove all oils and residue.
Step 3, using Plasticoat, spray base coat. I've used flat black, white or even dark green.
Step 4, cut up masking tape in interesting pattern. I've made what I call Panzer (see WWII german tank), tall grass, Anaconda, faux carbon fiber, snow bank, and Realtree. Use your imagination and local climate. Start with darkest back color, mask, spray. Remember, the more colors, the more room you'll need.
Repeat for each color.

Remove tape after 24 hours. MAYBE coat with clear, flat or gloss depending on pattern and colors.

For examples, search camo paintjobs.

Krylon with matte clear over all.
O.k., I got a question.
I was always taught not to use air can spays around scopes. That it can damage seals. Is this true?
I used Duracoat, then Brownells Alunahyde. The Alumahyde topcoat matte is supposed to be very tough and chemical resistant, so that cleaning products are less likely to damage the finish.
O.k., I got a question.
I was always taught not to use air can spays around scopes. That it can damage seals. Is this true?
Worked fine on the Swarovski Z6 in the picture above but I would never do it again. Once it starts to wear off there is no good way to remove it . I have switched mainly to Cerakote now.
I've already proven to myself the animals we pursue don't see camo, lest flat black.
But it does look cool.
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