I started out 50 years ago with a Buck folder and a Schrade. Quickly added a Sagan saw. Tried a Gerber saw, but it loaded up to fast and had to be cleaned out while doing a single deer. Sagan saw never had the issue. I still have it today. Knife wise I've had a custom made my dad had made for my brother and I, a Puma, and now a Havalon. Would not even think about anything but the Havalon. I've field dressed and butchered 75 deer over the last 10 years or so all with the Havalon. I carry a multi tool in my pack, so blade changing is easy and I keep my fingers intact. Avalon has a small plastic snap on that allows for blade change, but I prefer my multi tool. I use the Piranta which is the small one. Weighs only a few ounces with the blade. First time I used it I field dressed and skinned 5 deer before I changed blades. It won't cut or sever bone, but it's so light it gets the job done quickly and it never gets dull as the blades just change out so quick. Still have the Buck, Schrade, custom and a buddy gave me one of the outdoor edge changeable this past year. Have not tried it out yet.