Well-Known Member
His point was a 3 shot 1/4 MOA group is not reflective of the population, and that if you shot a 30 shot group, you will no longer have a 1/4 MOA group - probably 1 MOA, with the 1 MOA being defined by perhaps 95% of your shots within 1/2 MOA, but the other 1 or 2 opening it up to 1 MOA. I don't think he is necessarily disagreeing with you unless you are saying you can put 100% of your bullets from a 1/4 or 1/2 MOA rifle within those group sizes.Not sure what the point is? Your not going to be able to predict a shot if the gun doesnt shoot small groups. A 1.5 moa rifle at 700yds is about 11". So in a zero wind condition, with a perfect shot you can only be sure your shot will be within 5.5" or your aim point. A half minute gun will put the shot within 1.8" of the aim point. I have lost count of how many 1000s of rounds I have fired at 1k, and a moa rifle is about useless out there. We all know we cant read all the wind and other conditions at long range and we cant break perfect shots every time. Not sure why we are trying to convince people you dont need all the accuracy you can get. My personal experience totally disagrees with this. I can see a big difference in hits and misses with even a 1/4 moa vs a 3/4 moa rifle.
I do agree with you about accuracy; I used to shoot less than my best rifles when the wind was blowing hard, thinking the wind was going to affect me a lot more than poor precision and that I would still get good wind practice. Wrong - it caused me to wonder if a miss or near miss was a bad wind call or just an inaccurate rifle.
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