N570 doesn't meter well

Use the AutoTrickler but don't do the auto drop. Cycle it yourself and kind of tap the sides after each charge. Best thing I've found it's super horrible but this works ok.

That's how I have to do mine. I use a scoop and then let the trickler go. Mine trickles fine but jams the drop in two cycles.
I'm with the Chargemaster and tweezers guys for measuring on a balance beam scale, but with my 6.5 PRC and N570 I use a 12" drop tube to get 64.0 grains to fit in my ADG brass.
I have an ancient Ohaus powder measure & Ohaus manual powder trickler & don't have any problems with N570. I don't notice any difference between it & Retumbo or 50BMG.
I use a Hornady electric powder scale and dispenser and just set it to slow down sooner about 1.3- 1.5 grains from the charge I have it set at and works great. Used it with N570, N560, 565, Retumbo, 4831, 4350 and few others
I have the Auto Trickler setup, a Redding powder measure, and a Dandy powder trickler. None of them work with N570 powder. Any suggestions on a powder measure that handles that size kernels?
I have a buddy using the RCBS light for his loads with N570. Loading 70 something grains for .300 W.M. without issues. Loads seem really consistent shooting 800 to 1000 with him once to three times a week lately. Figuring dope for his new Christensen arms Ridgeline.
Oh, I have also found the Frankford Arsenal trickler to work well with N570 for me.
My Frankford Arsenal with the intelladropper works great with N570. It never stops short but sometimes goes a tenth over and errors. I use tweezers to remove a kernal then check it on a Gem pro scale. add or remove with tweezers. Usually right on. I have cut kernals many times though.
My charge master will run 570 you occasionally have to stick a paper clip through there when it clogs though. My preferred method is Manually dumping charges from my fx-120i then trickling with a Frankfort Arsenal trickler. It has no problem running n570.
In the future I would like to take a powder measure or my auto trickler for the fx-120i to a machine shop and have them bore it out to see if that works better.
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