Is there a 6.5 cartridge that runs N570 well?

I think you can put as much N-570 as will fit in the case and not have pressure problems with 160gr bullets and less. My question is how much barrel is necessary to burn the charge? Those kernels are huge for shoulder carried arms. To finish a load, I hunt around with tweezers for a right length kernel, to get the desired charge. I am using Adam MacDonald's "kernel counter".
I think you can put as much N-570 as will fit in the case and not have pressure problems with 160gr bullets and less. My question is how much barrel is necessary to burn the charge? Those kernels are huge for shoulder carried arms. To finish a load, I hunt around with tweezers for a right length kernel, to get the desired charge. I am using Adam MacDonald's "kernel counter".
Ha! I do the exact same thing with the tweezers
I shoot the n570 in my custom 264 win mag and it's a great combo. 156gr bergers at 3,137 fps.

I previously shot Retumbo in it with the same combo but the n570 gave better accuracy and ES.

As many have stated here, it seems to be a great powder for the 156's in the big 6.5's.

I've seen it work well in the 6.5x284 as well
With a Winchester M70 Extreme Weather .264WM shooting 117gr Sledge Hammer bullets, N570 pressured out at about 3525fps for me.

I chose to go with what looked like an easy accuracy node at about 3370fps just to speed load development for an upcoming hunt.

I bet there are good groups to be found at higher speeds, especially at 3475fps, which will be explored soon.
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6.5x55 swede and the 6.5/284 Norma with bullets heavier than 144 grns can both use N570, I was looking on the vihtavuori website which, incidentally, doesn't list loads for any of the cals mentioned by magnummania.
You could try emailing vihtavuori direct if you know what caliber you want but I've found that emailing your bullet maker is a better bet especially if you use barnes bullets as they have been really helpful to me when I wanted data about cfe223 and their 130 grn bullet for loading in 308 win.
So N570 is all I have for powder. I'm thinking about what the smallest cartridge that can use N570 with good results. I have a 28 Nosler and am getting a 300 Norma Imp built right now. So are there any 6.5 cartridges that successfully and efficiently run N570? 6.5 SAUM maybe? Or would I have to go wildcat for a larger magnum case?
Check you tube! There are a couple of fellas been testing it!
So N570 is all I have for powder. I'm thinking about what the smallest cartridge that can use N570 with good results. I have a 28 Nosler and am getting a 300 Norma Imp built right now. So are there any 6.5 cartridges that successfully and efficiently run N570? 6.5 SAUM maybe? Or would I have to go wildcat for a larger magnum case?
26 Nosler? 264 Win or 6.5 Wby RPM with heavy bullets. My experience with the 6.5x300 Wby was that it needed the absolute slowest powders (best results with Reloader 50 from 127 Barnes to 143 Hornady), so I would expect the 26 Nosler to be the same though I haven't tried it. I would think it might do well in either the 26 Nosler or 6.5x300 Wby with 120grain-ish weight bullets. The 6.5 WSM as mentioned by someone else falls right in with 264 Win and 6.5 RPM.
I've been loading 156 grain Berger EOL's with 64.0 grains of N570 and Federal 215 GM primers into my 6.5 PRC ADG/Gunwerks brass seated at 3.082" OAL / 2.400" CBTO on my Hornady comparator. I have a Bartlien 31" barrel, 1:8.5 to 1:7.5 5R LH rotation gain twist. With a suppressor I am getting 3320 FPS average, 9.5 SD, 24 ES at 72 degrees F. I had 3289 FPS at 30 degrees F. Last January. I find Quickload to predict very accurate results too, within 20 FPS of what I am getting on my chassis mounted Magnetospeed.
If it's good in the 28 Nosler might be good in the 26?
I'd say your right. I've used H-1000 in a 26 Nosler firing a 160GR Hornady Round nose. Had decent velocity with great accuracy. FWIW I've used N-160 in my creed with the same pill. Worked awesome with a velocity ~ 2500 FPS. IIR.
My experience is that 570 requires large case capacity. If you don't have about 80 gr capacity or much more, you can't get enough in tbe case for decent velocity. My RUM loves it at 100+ grs.
I'm putting together a 6.5 max. Is yours up and running?
So N570 is all I have for powder. I'm thinking about what the smallest cartridge that can use N570 with good results. I have a 28 Nosler and am getting a 300 Norma Imp built right now. So are there any 6.5 cartridges that successfully and efficiently run N570? 6.5 SAUM maybe? Or would I have to go wildcat for a larger magnum case?
So N570 is all I have for powder. I'm thinking about what the smallest cartridge that can use N570 with good results. I have a 28 Nosler and am getting a 300 Norma Imp built right now. So are there any 6.5 cartridges that successfully and efficiently run N570? 6.5 SAUM maybe? Or would I have to go wildcat for a larger magnum case?
Not really on topic, but maybe someone here can help. I have a lb of n560. Dont remember why i bought it or what it works well in. Any suggestions?
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