Is there a 6.5 cartridge that runs N570 well?

Now that I'm done derailing the thread
if I had to run N570 in a 6.5 cartridge I'd probably go 6.5 PRC. with a 28" barrel
6.5-284 would be ok also but just won't get the velocity.
What bullet would you recommend for the 6.5x300 BEE? I have US869, RL33, IMR8133, RAMSHOT LRT, RAMSHOT MAGNUM, H1000, RL26. I have not used the Hammers yet, but I feel that I should give them a try. Consensus seems to be that most people really like them. Bullets for 300WM, 300WSM?
If you want to try Absolutes, go to the Absolute Hammer Load Data thread, post #2. There's 40+ pages of load data developed and shared by members. There is going to be a thread on Hammer Hunters in the next week or so.
Got out today with the 6.5-300. Bergers recommended max ran about 80 fps faster than they're info at about 3140 . Shot 2 strings in the ladder and shots were really close in velocity. Hoping the tuner will tighten the groups and might need a decent muzzle brake for the recoil lol. Looks like a guy could probably milk a little more speed but I'll leave it be
Where did you start with n570 and 6.5-300 with the EOL? Thanks!
Where did you start with n570 and 6.5-300 with the EOL? Thanks!
According to my notes, I started at 75.5 with 3.619 coal. Bergers suggested start was 73.5. I have to say, I was able to use a harmonic dampener and it shoots extremely good. I still haven't shot past 600 yet, just haven't had time but I was popping clay pigeons at 600 with every shot which I think is pretty dang good for a $600 vanguard. I also did load work for a friend recently for 6.5 prc browning long range with the 153 Atips. 60 gr netted 3000fps and bullet seating got 4 shots inside a 25 cent piece at 200yards. Definitely room to go faster but was actually shooting for 2950 and still may end up backing down for fear of jacket failure. He only shoots long range target so I left it up to him to discover
For as heavy and clunky pain in the arss n570 is to work with, it sure shoots good. Definitely going to have to upgrade to a v4 from the v3
According to my notes, I started at 75.5 with 3.619 coal. Bergers suggested start was 73.5. I have to say, I was able to use a harmonic dampener and it shoots extremely good. I still haven't shot past 600 yet, just haven't had time but I was popping clay pigeons at 600 with every shot which I think is pretty dang good for a $600 vanguard. I also did load work for a friend recently for 6.5 prc browning long range with the 153 Atips. 60 gr netted 3000fps and bullet seating got 4 shots inside a 25 cent piece at 200yards. Definitely room to go faster but was actually shooting for 2950 and still may end up backing down for fear of jacket failure. He only shoots long range target so I left it up to him to discover
That's about what I was thinking...~74gns...thank you.

I finally got my hands on some N570, and just yesterday got lucky finding the EOL's and some Fed 215's. I started working with 142 ABLR's and Winchester primers. I do still plan on working up the ABLR and eventually the 127LRX.

I've got the M5 Weathermark...should yield some decent results. I've heard rumors that the factory uses 869 across the board...I'm looking for something more stable and consistent.

Thanks again.
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