My Super Bad Experience with GUNWERKS So Far

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That's what Robert 1st text me. That it was way easier then we thought it would be getting into South Africa and dealing with the permits and customs. If only I knew then of what I know now. He is headed back next year. Making plans already with him and the PH for this next summer. I will be taking a 30-06. Already have it. Hopefully Gunwerks fixes my other rifle by then:mad:
I am with Brian. I do not like borrowing. There is definitely something missing in the memory when you shoot with a loaner. It is just a shame there is no such thing as customer service any more.
What action size and bolt face was the GRB action?

Was it short action magnum bolt face? I built a 6.5saum for a friend and his did the same thing. He talked to gunwerks and had a new bolt sent to him and everything was perfect. His action was one of their first production SA magnum bolt face actions as well.

I have #0003 actions it was a prototype. It's a magnum LA it has never had any issues ever. And I'm very happy with mine. It's a great action and I will use many more.
Hopefully they make it right.

Who cancels an Africa trip long planned when they could just grab a factory rifle over the counter and have it shooting acceptably in a couple days????
Sorry guys about this last post, I'm deleting it and removing myself from this thread.
Brain, good luck with your rifle and future hunt.
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So far I have had good dealings with Gunwerks... as far as fixing or sending me parts... It really sucks that this effected your trip to Africa..I sure hope Gunwerks fixes your problem in short order..
I bought one of the GRB actions 1st part of the year. Received it through my ffl. The action looked great. Bought the rest of the components for a full custom build and sent it off to John Beanland. He built the rifle and received it April. Sold all my other rifles to go to Africa with my buddy Robert. Started to season the barrel in late May to June. After I fired a round, it would not eject out off the port area. It would just bounce off the scope and lane backwards in the port area. So I could not rack another round in. I had to dig the empty brass out of the area. I thought the brass just needed resized. So I countinued to season the barrel and fire form the brass. So I had 50 pieces of brass. I neck sized them and the same problem. I call Gunwerks in early July. After talking with the public relations manager Travis. He stated my bolt was manufactured incorrectly and that they had been aware of it for a few months. He stated I was supposed to have been contacted and a new bolt sent to me. I was never notified at all nor did I receive a bolt. Travis supposed to have sent another bolt to me the 1st of the month. But according to him it went to a address I live 4 years ago in another city. According to Travis. He stated he does not have the authority to fix this problem. Only the higher management does. At this time I have a fully built custom rifle that does not work propperly because of the GRB action. I also did not go on the African hunt because of no rifle. I had a South African weapon permit pulled for this rifle and no others. I would be in South Africa now. I am going on week 6 of getting the runaround with gunwerks. I have lost $1700 cash and a African hunt of a lifetime. I also lost a Deprevation hunt that I traded a generator for. What should I do???

I'm not normally one to jump on the old "call a lawyer" bandwagon, but the way they did you is just wrong.

What should you do? Hire the best **** lawyer you can find, and make them fix it, and pay your lawyer fees, court costs, restitution for the missed hunt costs, any other related fees or expenses that you had to pay that you lost (make sure you have proof and receipts), and anything else that was caused by their incompetence.

If someone doesn't stand up and make an example of these bad companies, then they'll keep getting away with screwing folks.
I'm not normally one to jump on the old "call a lawyer" bandwagon, but the way they did you is just wrong.

What should you do? Hire the best **** lawyer you can find, and make them fix it, and pay you restitution for the missed hunt costs, any other related fees or expenses that you had to pay (make sure you have proof and receipts), and any other ******** they caused.

Not Gunwerks fault the OP didn't bring a backup rifle instead nor is it Gunwerks fault his gunsmith didn't test the rifle for function. Obviously the OP has been buying things from Gunwerks for a long time or else they wouldn't have a 3 year old address for him. Nor is it Gunwerks fault that he missed his Africa hunt, the OP was aware of the issue in May and that's plenty of time to find another rifle for a hunt in August!!
Not Gunwerks fault the OP didn't bring a backup rifle instead nor is it Gunwerks fault his gunsmith didn't test the rifle for function. Obviously the OP has been buying things from Gunwerks for a long time or else they wouldn't have a 3 year old address for him. Nor is it Gunwerks fault that he missed his Africa hunt, the OP was aware of the issue in May and that's plenty of time to find another rifle for a hunt in August!!
All I read was his first post. So, if it laid out like that, then yeah, it's on him.
Yes. My action is a sa With a magnum boldface. The 1st batch I guess.

Well I guess a few people are just saying that this is all my fault. I see it's my fault that I bought a custom action made by the company I bought it from. And it's my fault a key component was manufactured incorrectly. It's my fault I built a rifle off this action. And it's my fault that the company had known the key component was faulty, and it's my fault they didn't notify my before I built the rifle. Nor during the 4 months I owned the action did they contact me. I guess it's my fault that the 6 weeks that I have been talking to Travis, the problem still is not fixed.
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