Muzzlebrake on muzzleloader?

I'm really looking at the Harrels sabot brakes, something about the radial brakes just look so much more aesthetic. But to me a Rifle is a tool first and foremost. Thanks for all the input so far!!
I have the Harrels Prec. radial sabot brake on my Rem UML, still kicks very hard.
I have put many Harrels muzzleloader brakes on Encores. They work great. They have smaller holes in them and Harrels tells you to keep it tighter than a regular brake. It's in there instructions. I also build smokeless muzzleloaders that shoot 300 grain bullets at 2750 fps. These are 45 Cal and shoot full bore bullets. I put the Harrels regular rifle brakes on these. I leave them full diameter except for a small cleanup pass and they work noticably better. Do not be afraid to put a Harrels on your muzzleloader they work perfectly fine.
Custom muzzleloader builders have it down to a complete science. Have one of the custom muzzleloader builders install a brake and there are absolutely zero worries.

I don't know if the muzzle loader builders know how to build brakes for there rifles or not. I would assume that they do. But having built and tested brakes for many years I do know that the requirements are different for each type of rifle if you want it to be efficient and accurate. So your recommendation to get the muzzle loader builder to furnish it with their recommended muzzle brake is a good one. after market brakes are made for center fire cartridges that shoot jacketed or mono metal bullets and are not designed for lead, sabots, wads, patches, ETC so the design criteria has to be changed to perform without problems.

This is the reason that I don't recommend using a brake that wasn't designed for rhe type of weapon used.

J E Custom

I can assure you and without any question, the builders of high quality custom muzzleloaders know how to build and install brakes for these rifles. There are many well known builders doing it on a daily basis. They are without question the best to understand, build and install a brake on muzzleloaders.

Quite frankly, most of them are so busy building rifles with brakes, there can be a year or two year wait for a rifle build. Luke Horak, Levi Reed, Hollis Weber, Gary Bush, Jeff Fisk, Jeff Hankins and others...
LR Customs designs, builds and tests its own brakes, which are exceptionally effective. Others also design and build brakes for the specific rifles they build.
These brakes are going on muzzleloaders that are extremely accurate and in many cases are more accurate than most CF rifles.
The T-Rex brake on my rifle (page 1), allows me to send heavy charges reducing recoil to very acceptable levels. Sending a 325gr bullet at 2,900fps, you need an effective brake.
Yup, lots of them have brakes. Any quality gunsmith can install one on a RUM. Its done all the time, rather shooting with sabots or full bore.

Ultimate Firearms Inc utilizes a Harrell's radial brake. If you ever plan to shoot prone, I'd avoid a radial. They kick up dust/dirt and all matter of stuff.

Brakes are loud.

I run an LR Customs T-Rex on mine. A lot of RUM owners use this exact brake.

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I like the stock that the action fits in..Who makes it if you don't mind telling me ?
I like the stock that the action fits in..Who makes it if you don't mind telling me ?

Mine is a McMillan Game Warden in dark McWoody finish. McMillan already has in their software the information for Ultimate rifles. However I also gave them my actual.
It was an 8 month wait for the build, but worth it.
THANKYOU !!!! Beautiful it shoots like a dream !!!!!!
No, thank you. ;)
I had McMillan thumbhole before and never liked it. Once I started shooting the vertical grip on this rifle, I don't believe I'd order anything but a vertical grip again.
Yes, it shoots like a dream, extremely accurate at long range. Very happy with it.
Just save yourself headache and money & do the Harrell's Precision brake designed for muzzle loader & sabots.


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