Ultimate Muzzleloader!

There are several smiths building Modern Smokeless Muzzleloaders. Ther are using modern bolt action receivers, with modified primer carriers. These modern smokeless muzzleloaders are shooting using LRM primers, smokeless powder ie: H-4198, H4350, and others. They are shooting specially sized bullets without sabots. Some are using the Parker 275, and 350 bullets running between 2800 and 3200 fps. These rifles are shooting sub .5 moa to over 1000 yards. At 500 yards they have over 500 foot pounds of energy. Using a laser range finder and turren knobbed scope they can be dialed in for ranges over 500 yards.

Look at the BadBull, Big Dawg, websites and you can see what I am talking about.

Nat Lambeth
I have a Swinglock custom muzzleloader. It is in .416 cal. It launches a 375 gr bullet over 3000 fps with very manageable recoil. Very long range muzzle stuffin toy.

This is a video of my very first shot from the rifle.

The muzzle brake and the bumb buster recoil pad really do their job.

[ame=http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=P06E9gBtEXQ]YouTube - First shot out of a new Swinglock muzzleloader[/ame]


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Here is a little more work I did with the new Swinglock at 840 yards. The muzzle brake really works. 7800 foot pounds of muzzle energy and it recoils less than half of my savage 10 ml2's
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Does swinglock build smokeless muzzleoaders on Remington 700 Heavy Barrel Varmint rifles ? I thought they only used Swinglocks system ? Could you send me a PM with details of the Camo Remington 700 shown in the picture ? Thanks for your help.

[email protected]
whats full form vs smooth? is that a die that sizes down the bullet either with rifling or smooth? just wnat to make sure i understand the concept?
i have a badbull that is amazing with the 275 parkers and a richard frankiln that i have to size bullets but its smooth. just curious if this meant pre rifling the bullets?
whats full form vs smooth? is that a die that sizes down the bullet either with rifling or smooth? just wnat to make sure i understand the concept?
i have a badbull that is amazing with the 275 parkers and a richard frankiln that i have to size bullets but its smooth. just curious if this meant pre rifling the bullets?

You got it, both are adjustable for very accurate sizing!

swinglock.net - Adjustable Bullet Sizing Dies

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