I use MOA because it is a finer adjustment. Alot of shooter shoot mil because they say its easier to do the math in their head,
Does it even matter if they are using a smart range finder to range the target and dial the solution they are told by the range finder.

If they are not going to consider wind adjustment as an angular correction, it wouldn't matter much.
I use MOA because it is a finer adjustment. Alot of shooter shoot mil because they say its easier to do the math in their head,
Does it even matter if they are using a smart range finder to range the target and dial the solution they are told by the range finder.

No one does math in their head for range.

The first reply nailed it. The difference is 1" at 1000 yards and a wisp of wind will move you more. Use whichever works for you but don't think you are getting some huge advantage using MOA. They are both just angular units.
I always like hearing/reading this argument on forums.

I especially laugh, when tactical bros claim MOA is dead. MOA isn't dead.

Use what you like and what makes it easier for you. I have switched to all MIL, just because it's easier/faster for me when it comes to PRS. So I just use it all the time now.

If I didn't do PRS then I probably would have stayed with MOA. And really the only advantage is when I first started it was easier to learn the game because everyone else used MIL so asking them for holds and we were speaking the same language.
I agree, ffp mil.

Wind holds on the fly are way easier in my opinion with mil. Most of my rifles are around a 10mph gun. So 1mil wind hold at 1000 yds in a 10mph full value wind.

800yds would be .8, 700yds .7 600yds .6 etc

If it's 5mph cut that in half. If it's a 15mph wind multiple it 1.5.

This is why I now use MIL as well. Once I started shooting past the point where wind makes the difference between a hit or not, I switched over to MIL as it is easier to hold. For elevation I dial, so it doesn't make enough of a difference for me to matter.
All the smart range finders have a wind input,
Mph and direciont.

That's nice if you aren't under time stress and can adjust the wind speed and direction in a range finder. I definitely dont count on that for hunting or under any situation with time stress.