Max hunting range of 30-06?

500 yards
When I see a post like this I always wonder if that is as far a the poster cares to shoot (maybe with any rifle/load) or if that's as far as he feels his particular load is capable.
If you run the numbers you will see that most rifles/cartridges/loads can outperform what most believe to be the norm, or in fact the shooter.
If you load your rifle you get to determine (to a point) what it's capable of. If you special built a rifle you can really maximize its potential. Kind of like a 30" barreled .308 Palma rifle. I have a buddy that has a short'ish barrel .300 WM that my 30-06 will out perform, probably all the way up to the heaviest of projectiles.
I shoot a 210 Nosler Accubond LR who's minimum expansion velocity is 1300 fps. The range for my rifle at that velocity is 1300 yds. I think given the right presentation for the shot this would be a doable range.
That is true, but it takes 2.1 seconds to get there. That's an eternity for a jumpy critter. Same shot with a .300 Win Mag takes 1.8 seconds, and goes to nearly 1600 before going under 1300 fps.
That is true, but it takes 2.1 seconds to get there. That's an eternity for a jumpy critter. Same shot with a .300 Win Mag takes 1.8 seconds, and goes to nearly 1600 before going under 1300 fps.
But how fast does the sound of the muzzle blast take to reach the animal?
If you r rifel barrel is 5 ft off the gound try dropping a same weight bullet and if you can time between dropping and hitting the ground then you can calculate how far it will go before it hits the gound
That is true, but it takes 2.1 seconds to get there. That's an eternity for a jumpy critter. Same shot with a .300 Win Mag takes 1.8 seconds, and goes to nearly 1600 before going under 1300 fps.

That's an entire other thread and something that is low on the things to worry about if your really hunting and watching game, much less an issue at 1000 yards than 100!!!
Daughter used 18" barreled 30-06 and 155 scenar traveling at 2775 FPS to kill her 6x6 at 380ish yards. Pretty nice shooting. Probably could go to quite a bit further if needed.
I never heard of that .

30-06 Creedmoor,

Been trying to keep it a secret...

It shoots FLAT and is totally inherent just by the name proves that. only 52 inches of drop at 1000 yards when you sight it in just 323 inches high at 100. A buddy has one. Knocked a do-do bird off the back of a running unicorn at 3800 yards. Who else but Creedmoor!
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But how fast does the sound of the muzzle blast take to reach the animal?
If you r rifel barrel is 5 ft off the gound try dropping a same weight bullet and if you can time between dropping and hitting the ground then you can calculate how far it will go before it hits the gound
With that one constant (gravity) I suppose you could calculate anything.

My post was supposed to be humorous. In all honesty though, if you're asking "what is the max killing range of", you probably shouldn't be shooting that far. Generally if you're going to hunt at those ELR distances, you've fired that rifle so many times you know every detail by heart, and know where your boolits are lethal.
The max distance to cleanly kill an elk with any gun or bullet, should be the maximum distance/minimum velocity that the said bullet will reliably expand. How do you find this out? Test your load combination into some sort of ballistic medium at your proposed range. If you can't hit your media, it is too far! If the bullet doesn't fully expand, it is too far! There are some good videos on you tube where some people do some good velocity tests with different bullets. Just remember, the bullet doesn't care what cartridge it was fired from, just the starting velocity and ending velocity.
My Cooper rifle in .30-06 is a one hole tack driver. I love it. I just doubt that I would ever shoot it over five hundred yards. Very few people have the skill to shoot farther than that ethically.
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