Max hunting range of 30-06?

My Cooper rifle in .30-06 is a one hole tack driver. I love it. I just doubt that I would ever shoot it over five hundred yards. Very few people have the skill to shoot farther than that *Rule 1 Violation*ally.
You can't say that naughty "E" word here any more lol

Cooper of Montana make some absolutely stunningly beautiful pieces of hardware.
Depends on how comfortable you shoot the ol 06. Me. 400Yards. I use the below verified chart and use hold over with mine. Very accurate and am comfortable with gun. Espically since it's been my primary all around gun for a very long time.
That's an entire other thread and something that is low on the things to worry about if your really hunting and watching game, much less an issue at 1000 yards than 100!!!

"bigngreen", I respectfully disagree! An animal can be "spooked" for many reasons both unseen or not sensed by us! This could be anything from a hawks "screech", an unseen prairie dog/ badger, the scent of a wolf or coyote in the area, or whatever "trips their trigger"! An animal can move a long ways in that 1 to 2 seconds of bullet flight time!

At 100 yards, bullet flight time is're "only" dealing with the shooters response time, from brain to trigger pull. Likely, much under 1 second! Add to this, the shooter may be aware of what may "spook" the animal prior to the animals response/movement! memtb
"bigngreen", I respectfully disagree! An animal can be "spooked" for many reasons both unseen or not sensed by us! This could be anything from a hawks "screech", an unseen prairie dog/ badger, the scent of a wolf or coyote in the area, or whatever "trips their trigger"! An animal can move a long ways in that 1 to 2 seconds of bullet flight time!

At 100 yards, bullet flight time is're "only" dealing with the shooters response time, from brain to trigger pull. Likely, much under 1 second! Add to this, the shooter may be aware of what may "spook" the animal prior to the animals response/movement! memtb

Not the topic of the OP so I won't aid in running it of course!!
"bigngreen", I respectfully disagree! An animal can be "spooked" for many reasons both unseen or not sensed by us! This could be anything from a hawks "screech", an unseen prairie dog/ badger, the scent of a wolf or coyote in the area, or whatever "trips their trigger"! An animal can move a long ways in that 1 to 2 seconds of bullet flight time!

At 100 yards, bullet flight time is're "only" dealing with the shooters response time, from brain to trigger pull. Likely, much under 1 second! Add to this, the shooter may be aware of what may "spook" the animal prior to the animals response/movement! memtb

Not the topic of the OP so I won't aid in running it of course!!
I'll say it again. Fellas I just tossed it out there as a "haha", you know, going back to a classic debate, instead of range? Obviously if you want to hit living creatures at far reaches, use the largest cartridge you can comfortably shoot.

It does stand true, that 2.1 seconds is a long time to move in.

@memtb at 100 yards its 0.167 second flight time.

Sorry the humor was lost on what I was trying to do.
I'll say it again. Fellas I just tossed it out there as a "haha", you know, going back to a classic debate, instead of range? Obviously if you want to hit living creatures at far reaches, use the largest cartridge you can comfortably shoot.

It does stand true, that 2.1 seconds is a long time to move in.

@memtb at 100 yards its 0.167 second flight time.

Sorry the humor was lost on what I was trying to do.
Not if they're sleeping lol.
Trued Rem 700 1960's era action, 27" Bartlein w/ Vias brake, 200g Accubond at 2755 fps.
Shoots 3 into 5/8" @ 100 yds.
Zeroed at 200y w/ 10mph full value wind, needs 17.6 minutes elev. & 4 minutes windage to get to 800 yds. at 1860 fps and 1537 Ft./lb.
Hammer of God....but I can't/won't shoot it that far at an animal. Now, 600-650y, he's in trouble. YMVMV.
Let's first stipulate you're hunting elk. And let us further stipulate that you're hand loading your rounds for max performance, bullets, powder, primers, cases, the whole 9 yards.

How far can you push the 30-06 for the aforementioned elk ?

in Vietnam, a 30-06 Mod. 70 Winchester took out normal sized VC at 800 to 1,000 Yds with one shot.
I agree every shot sets its own limits but that wasn't the question from the OP, he wants to know it's capabilities not your personal limits so "We can quote FPS and energy numbers till every one has sore fingers from typing" and give him the answer he asked for.

You totally missed my point. The OP asked a question that'll vary depending on so many inputs it's impossible to state a definitive answer. So no, I don't think you or anyone else can give the answer the OP is looking for. I think we can give suggestions, but it boils down to the person pulling the trigger to decide how far you can shoot an elk with their particular rifle and .30-06 load and be effective.
You totally missed my point. The OP asked a question that'll vary depending on so many inputs it's impossible to state a definitive answer. So no, I don't think you or anyone else can give the answer the OP is looking for. I think we can give suggestions, but it boils down to the person pulling the trigger to decide how far you can shoot an elk with their particular rifle and .30-06 load and be effective.
I don't really think it's that impossible, to start to answer the question, figure out your load, as the o.p. stated. The 215 Berger or something of similar bc/weight that can reach similar velocity will maximize the 30-06's potential. It isn't out of the question to get a good estimate on achievable velocity. Then the only variable will be the atmospheric conditions limiting the maximum ability of the cartridge, so a max range at sea level to 10,000 ft elevation is rather simple to figure out. I would think the shooter is taken out of the equation in this question, for figuring out the max, just assume that if the bullet has the retained energy and velocity to perform, it is gtg. Just very, very simply....what is the MAX a 30-06 can be used effectively.

Personal judgements and preferences and limitations apply differently then what this question is asking.
No sir I really don't believe I missed your point, I think you are missing the point of what he asked. He asked about what a particular cartridge is capable of doing, not what you are capable of doing. I do agree that just because my rifle and load are capable of something that at any given time I may not be. I have passed on shots that were less than 50 yards with a rifle that I would hunt the largest game on earth with (like elephants, hippos, buffalo and such) because I didn't feel good about the shot.
As to my answer of 800 yards. That is me going off what I keep reading/hearing about the 1800 fps recommendation for reliable bullet expansion and the 1500 ftlbs energy, that 30-06 load surpasses both of those. Also my rifle shoots that load exceptionally well out to those ranges. So though I do agree that at any given time I may not be confident in that shot (and it would have to be some truly bad conditions at that range), my rifle is more than capable.
Not poking at you, we can certainly agree to disagree. I do always say that one of the biggest lessons to learn is when not to pull the trigger. A man should know his limits and the capabilities of his equipment. They are however not the same. Sometimes my capabilities can out do the rifle's.
I know the '06, and other even more capable calibers, is capable of killing elk or deer out past 500 or even 800 yds. However, I am in the school of thought with Chuck Hawks, the guy knows a little something about rifles, ranges and hunting. His opinion is when it comes to hunting, the rule of thumb is you should not shoot past the rifles maximum point blank range. This range might vary somewhat with practice, confidence, environmental factors, loads, etc.
What a dumb thing to say on this site! You and God ole chucky need to do more reading and practicing and less talking. I can't stand the guy and I'm sure you're not high on my list of people to meet.
I know the '06, and other even more capable calibers, is capable of killing elk or deer out past 500 or even 800 yds. However, I am in the school of thought with Chuck Hawks, the guy knows a little something about rifles, ranges and hunting. His opinion is when it comes to hunting, the rule of thumb is you should not shoot past the rifles maximum point blank range. This range might vary somewhat with practice, confidence, environmental factors, loads, etc.

Really? Well, if Chuck said it, it must be true. Or, maybe Chuck just doesn't understand LR/ELR-H and shooting? o_O

I never understand why people come to a LR/ELR shooting/hunting site and then talk down and/or not learn about the sport. ??? Isn't that like joining a drag racing site and then stating one should not drive faster than 55mph?
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