308 or 30-06 long range?

I have a number of cartridges including 270win, 308win, an 30-06, between those three I do not see much difference in recoil, yes the 270 an 308 are a little less then the 30-06 but not any thing of significance at lest to me. My 35 Whelen's have more recoil but even they are not bad. Magnum cartridges is were I see a big recoil difference as they have more recoil velocity. I have a 338 win mag that has a mercury dampener in the stock, I see little if any difference in it. My wife's 270 has a decelerator recoil pad on it and the recoil of it is a lot less then that of my 270's. My son's savage edge 30-06 has a very soft factory recoil pad and the same as my wife's rifle, recoil is greatly reduced. If your wanting a 30 caliber rifle for elk and larger game I'd go with the 30-06 over the 308, it will push heaver bullets better, other wise you may as well just use your 270 with 150gr. bullets. If your wanting to stay with a standard length action the 35 Whelen and the 338-06 are go options as well, they shot to 400/500 yard at about the same trajectory as the 30-06 but with heaver bullets. The 300 mags., an 338 mags. are very good elk and larger game but the 30-06, 338-06, and 35 Whelen are all grate cartridges too.
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The mercury devices are dampener's and do little for recoil. (They also add 1+pounds to the rifle).
They will reduce actual recoil around 2% depending on rifle weight. They do reduce recoil velocity (How fast the rifle impacts your shoulder) and your perceived recoil.

Hear are test results of actual recoil devices and the efficiency % for each type.

Many people don't like brakes but they are a good way to prevent getting the crap kicked out of you. and with proper hearing protection (Recommended for ALL shooting) they enable you to shoot much larger cartridges than you would ever consider.

It was just a recommendation because you made mention of recoil sensitivity. :)

I only have a custom made brake on my 375 H&H CZ 550
My 30-06 does not bother me at all, which i have a Sako 85 and a Win model 70
I am old lol
My hearing is damaged through work enviroments without protection
It will catch up with you eventually
looking for opinions on a new rifle build i was thinking 308 or 30-06 i have currently a 6.5 creedmoor and a .270 but just wanted a 30 caliber gun for availability for bullets And have a bit more knock down power when hunting elk and moose at further distances, i never shot a 308 but heard it dont have alot of kick which i like and would probably be more accurate with, just been researching the ft/lbs of energy of the 308 and seems a little weak out past 400/500 yards.
Look at the 300wsm
For decades, I have used a couple of 30-06's with long throats that allow heavier bullets to be seated long and allow for maximum usage of the cases' powder capacity. These have allowed me to push 165g bullets safely above 3,000+fps and 180g's at 2,900 or so. A 180g NAB or Berger @ 2,900fps is no weak load.

For decades, I was never a magnum fan, so not knowing I shouldn't(?), I took several game animals past 700 yards and competed in 1,000 yard games with a 30-06. And that was before today's higher BC bullets designed for such things. The 30-06 works, so the rest is up to the shooter.
I only have a custom made brake on my 375 H&H CZ 550
My 30-06 does not bother me at all, which i have a Sako 85 and a Win model 70
I am old lol
My hearing is damaged through work enviroments without protection
It will catch up with you eventually
40 rounds of 30-06 165 Sierra with shoulder pad finished 3rd 186C9A02-07E4-4B2B-8F7F-A50F7793AABA.jpeg
looking for opinions on a new rifle build i was thinking 308 or 30-06 i have currently a 6.5 creedmoor and a .270 but just wanted a 30 caliber gun for availability for bullets And have a bit more knock down power when hunting elk and moose at further distances, i never shot a 308 but heard it dont have alot of kick which i like and would probably be more accurate with, just been researching the ft/lbs of energy of the 308 and seems a little weak out past 400/500 yards.
I would look at a 300 WSM, Shoots like a 300 Win Mag Without the recoil. My perceive recoil on mine is about the same as a 30-06 or 270 class. This rifle replaced my 300 RUM, because the RUM got to be to much for my old bones...LOL
I'm actually not a fan of the '06. my logic is that if you need more smack than a 308, the '06 only offers a baby step forward. in this case- your handloading, the '06 has about a 12 gr capacity increase, and your hunting elk -- the '06 is a clear winner.
I'd take a 300 win mag with a brake and a well fitted stock +soft pad over your other options. the 215 Berger with h1000 will kill as far as you can accurately shoot.
As for the muzzle brake, your wearing hearing protection anyway - why beat yourself up for no reason?
The 30-06 is a proven performer with all types of bullets.
My last buck was taken with a pristine Remington # 742 rifle chambered in 30 - 06 caliber.
OBTW it was taken in the semi-thick overgrown Blue Berry bearings of Cherryfield, Maine

My god what a beautiful day that was and it will be forever etched in my mind's eye.
The late afternoon winter's sun shining off this buck's rack my attention was drawn to this magnificent animal. I waited for him to settle down and once he did so the rest was up to my rifle. and my skillset.
I had never felt so elated. This was the perfect setup if ever there was one. ( slightly downhill at 80 Yards distant with the wind quartering myself. ) The Hornady 30 caliber 180 Grain SST found it's marked spot.

But I digress. The 30 - 06 has a proven track record in a time of war and forever in the time of peace.
It has been with us during 2 World Wars as well as conflicts in Korea, and Vietnam. and is still with us today.
IMHO Although not as popular as it once was, the venerable 30 -06 is still one of the most respected rounds ever created.

You can never go wrong with this round!
Particularly so as you can hand load or buy commercially loaded ammunition in any flavor that you will ever need and for any situation that presents itself.
If it's the bite that is bothersome install a 5 /8 " X 24 TPI muzzle brake.
( you u can purchase a clamp-on brake for rifle barrels that are not threaded )

Yes, it is a beast, but one that can be tamed.
I strongly suggest that you re-evaluate the old girl as she still has a lot of life left in her.
Best of luck with your new 30 -06

Ya, I know that the .308 caliber can come within 100 FPS with any factory loaded ammunition to the 30 -06 caliber but my personal preference leans toward the 30 06.
With either caliber, you won't go wrong especially now with the Pandemic going on.
Just take your time if you hand load and collect your bullets, brass, powder, and primers in small lots until you can assemble your ammunition.
I know it stinks but you can collect everything that you need and still be able to get some quality trigger time. faster than say if you were shooting a wild cat or custom cartridge.

Best Of Luck!
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