30-06 long range Model 70 target


His score was in the middle of all the winning ones during the 1960's for the Cup. Same shot hole placements on the new target would produce ho-hum scores with the hardware used starting in the early 70's.

I forgot to mention your actual fame which is kind of interesting and how you just popped up being an expert.

Most that would work for a very well know company let say I name one Hewlett-Packard and you use company E-Mail which is for business not pleasure. Say someone does use E-Mail for personal use and the company find out they may be a warning to stop.

Again company E-Mails belong to them and their just not out there for anyone to read but we did learn some can hack into the system and get them.

H-P in the past was well known computer company and my wife worked for them and started her career there at the Palo Alto site main headquarters as system engineer when they first started selling computer system to school district. My wife was born Chico, Cal and her dad was a farmer later worked on a dairy off Page Mill Rd , Palo Alto,Ca on the property Stanford College owned. Prior to working for H-P she worked at Palo Alto school district which she attended also Redwood City school district and doing the old key punch cards etc. in the mid 60's.

Reason we moved to Co was wife transfer to the Loveland Co division and later the start up Greeley div. She also got lucky working closer to home at the start up div in Fort Collins site and we lived 1 mile south of that plant off County Rd 36 and she retried from H-P and spin off Aligent Technologies in Colorado Springs.

Now what does this have to do with Bart B well guess who also worked for H-P and did a bunch of E-Mail about rifles and shooting and put out his E-Mail

.308 loads (Bart Bobbitt)
Barrel life (Bart Bobbitt)

As I said Bart didn't make it big in the shooting world till those E-Mail came about and promoting himself and does matter how it's done.
I'm using almost an identical load.
30-06.....Pre 64 Win Mdl 70 26" Brux barrel 1-10 twist
Berger 190gr Hunting VLD
Fed 210 Primer
3.350 Coal
.070 Off
53gr Reloader 17
Lapua Brass
MV 2707fps "Proved"

Tested to 54gr and the chrono was reading around 2830fps. Quick load says you can push it to 55.5gr with a velocity of 2820. When I stopped at 54gr it was 85 degrees and was makin me a little nervous

Thank you so much for the help. Its nice to finally hear from somebody who has used this powder/ bullet combo. I've called Berger, Sierra, and emailed Alliant all of which couldn't give me a definitive number for that combo in the 30-06. Muzzleloader season is in here in VA so I didn't get to try the loads this weekend. Maybe this week before the snow comes. I think you may have the definitive answer here since 1 grain of powder yielded a 130fps increase.
Thanks once again.
Got out and shot yesterday. The first thing I noticed was that this rifle recoils a lot less ferociously than my 264 Win Mag (good thing because I expected more). No one group stood out with most hovering around 1 MOA+. I am planning on using this rifle for one of Dan Newberrry's classes and therefore also wanted to implement some OCW load workup for the first time. I could clearly see the "nodes" Mr. Newberry was speaking of but its really hard to pick a "group" that isn't that good to continue load workup.

Being slightly frustrated and having nice friends that found me some H4350. I went back to the reloading room loaded up 18 rounds of H4350 from 51-53.5 grains. These rounds showed more promise with 51 grains shooting a nice 3/8" cloverleaf and 52.5grains doing almost as well. I'm going to keep working with 52.5 grains.

Things I noted from the target:
- the RL 17 loads all impacted higher on the target (faster?)
- RL 17 seemed to recoil less abruptly
- None of the best groups were at Max book loads
- primers were still round at max loads (no excessive pressure noted in either powder)

The next plan is to change seating depth per the VLD sticky. The max OAL is 3.525" meaning I had quite a bit of jump with my 3.34" loads. The only downside is now none of the loaded rounds will fit in the magazine.
Once I have completed the seating depth test I plan on breaking out the chronograph. If velocity/ES is not up to snuff then I may go back and re-test the RL 17.

Next time I should have pictures as well. My camera is halfway across the state.
Got out and shot yesterday. The first thing I noticed was that this rifle recoils a lot less ferociously than my 264 Win Mag (good thing because I expected more). No one group stood out with most hovering around 1 MOA+. I am planning on using this rifle for one of Dan Newberrry's classes and therefore also wanted to implement some OCW load workup for the first time. I could clearly see the "nodes" Mr. Newberry was speaking of but its really hard to pick a "group" that isn't that good to continue load workup.

Being slightly frustrated and having nice friends that found me some H4350. I went back to the reloading room loaded up 18 rounds of H4350 from 51-53.5 grains. These rounds showed more promise with 51 grains shooting a nice 3/8" cloverleaf and 52.5grains doing almost as well. I'm going to keep working with 52.5 grains.

Things I noted from the target:
- the RL 17 loads all impacted higher on the target (faster?)
- RL 17 seemed to recoil less abruptly
- None of the best groups were at Max book loads
- primers were still round at max loads (no excessive pressure noted in either powder)

The next plan is to change seating depth per the VLD sticky. The max OAL is 3.525" meaning I had quite a bit of jump with my 3.34" loads. The only downside is now none of the loaded rounds will fit in the magazine.
Once I have completed the seating depth test I plan on breaking out the chronograph. If velocity/ES is not up to snuff then I may go back and re-test the RL 17.

Next time I should have pictures as well. My camera is halfway across the state.
112 Savage, I have a mod. 70 as you described. Mine was a Marine Corps rifle made in 1957. It shoots the 190 Gr. Sierra Very well with a load of 53.5 gr. H-4350,a Fed. 210/M primer and LC Match brass. Velocity isn't as fast as you want though. Only 2579 FPS. It does however shoot one hole 5 shot @ 100 yds. Hope this helps you. ........SEMPER FI ..Sargesniper.
So I got some happy shooting done yesterday. I love shooting this rifle! The nut behind the rifle might have not been his tightest, but the rifle tried to do its best. Conditions were mid 50's very light/no breeze shooting prone with pretty crude bag setup.
loads were 52.5 grains H4350
cci BR-2 primer
190 VLD
I used the same bullet and case each time I changed the seating depth in order to ensure consistency.

groups of 3 rounds each
shortest = 3.365"
Longest 3.525" This is approximate 0.01" into the lands.
On the target rounds were shot left to right shortest to longest with the 3.525" being the high right group. All were shot round robin style. 3.445" was the winner until the last shot when I probably pulled the group (coincidentally this distance out of the lands is the same amount my 115 grain berger 0.257" VLD's like to shoot).

I'm going to experiment from here using the 3.365" load because they still fit in the magazine. For now I'm going to shoot as is and later will chronograph with slight increases in powder and use RL17 as well.


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More happy trigger time.
Today's conditions
44.3 F
57.2% RH
27.77 inHg
560 yds
Target= 2 MOA sandstone rock (below the gray tree in the picture)
14 MOA come up required = about 2575 fps at the muzzle
Load: 52.5 grains H4350, Berger 190, Lapua Brass, CCi BR2 primer, COAL 3.36"

Pictures won't upload, I'll do them some other time.
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